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There will time skips since it would be boring otherwise. I have enough ideas for this storyline that even fillers would lend something to the plot.
Two months has passed since that first meeting between Spencer and Elena and the acquaintances quickly became the friends each other desperately needed. Elena knew about his mom and the guilty feelings surrounding the decision he made several years before.

Spencer knew that Elena was a foster kid leaving behind a gang life in New York after the father of the twins tried to kill her when he found out about the pregnancy. There was almost a codependency between the young and lonely adults.

When Spencer was away for BAU cases, they texted regularly. He constantly kept his phone on silent and read the texts when no one paid attention to the genius. This was a friendship he was keen to keep to himself as long as he possibly could. Spencer just wasn't ready to merge his worlds and to be honest he wasn't sure he ever wanted to.

Despite the hardships Elena faced, her infectious happiness integrated into Spencer's very being. He had an idea that he had a crush developing on her, but was terrified at the idea of losing the one friend he really had since Ethan.

It seemed like the usual day when Spencer got the phone call for a new case. However, in his process of getting ready, he missed the text that his mentor was picking him up to save time. Spencer locked his door at the same time Elena opened hers. They smiled at each other as Spencer went over the "physical well being checklist" that popped in his head since that first night.

Her injuries had healed nicely leaving no evidence of the horrors that occurred before they met. Her hair was wet indicating she showered and she wore her usual all black. The winter months bringing out a large fluffy coat, a low cut v neck long sleeve and her boots. Her skin glowing from the pregnancy and the belly popping out more obvious in the tight shirt. Her black beanie, nose hoop and dramatic black eyeliner completed her look. He couldn't help but think that pregnancy looked good on her.

"You're up early."
"Yeah couldn't sleep with the World Cup match going on in there."
Spencer laughed "I thought sibling rivalry didn't occur for a few more years."
"Fat chance." Elena clapped her hands in excitement "But I have an appointment hopefully I find out the genders if they don't act like assholes."

He remembered the disappointment when the twins refused to move for the ultrasound a couple weeks ago. The last thing he needed was an upset pregnant woman that he couldn't help ride out the emotional roller coaster of a twin pregnancy.

"I want to start shopping and I have too many ideas for names." Her pout was too adorable. Please don't ask for the world I'd be tempted to give it.

Neither noticed Jason Gideon at the foot of the steps, curious at their interaction. While he couldn't hear the conversation, it was interesting to compare this Spencer Reid to the Spencer Reid he usually sees. There was a happiness that wasn't normally there. The body language suggested something between them but Gideon was positive that Reid wasn't dating let alone expecting children.

His eyebrows raised when Spencer gently touched the belly before freaking out at the kick that must of happened under his hand. When the young girl held her belly and looked down at it, the softness in his eyes were an emotion Gideon didn't think Reid had.

They began walking down together, Spencer going first in case she tripped. Sometimes the stairs were slippery and stumbling was a common occurrence for the occupants of the building. Gideon cleared his throat to announce to Reid that he had been standing there. Spencer's eyes widened in surprise but Jason saw the fear in Elena's eyes at the presence of a man she didn't recognize.
"Oh Gideon, what are you doing here?"
" I came to pick you up to save time."
"Oh thanks." Spencer slightly turned to her when they reached the bottom of the stairs "Ellie, this is Jason Gideon. We work together."

The tension in Elena's face ebbed away but wariness was still present. Her hand moved in a protective position in front of her belly. Reid didn't see this but like usual, Gideon saw everything. The thought stuck in his mind. What happened to you that defense is automatic?

"Nice to meet you. Spence talks a lot about you." She nodded her head in his direction. "Spence, just text me so I know you're safe."

Spencer frowned "I'm always safe."

She bit the inside of her check to prevent a dirty joke slipping out in front of her best friend's boss. "Makes sense when you look like a TA."

He pinched her cheek in retaliation "Since when do you know what a TA dresses like?"

She smiled as she walked the opposite way down the sidewalk "I watch TV. I got nothing else going on right now."
"Stop stealing my cable."
"Like you use it."
"I pay for it."
"Terrible financial decisions are not my responsibility. Have fun at your day job." Elena waved and began to walk in the chilly weather.

Spencer slid into Gideon's car, preparing for the questions.
"She seems nice."
"Yeah she's great." Reid said wistfully as he looked out the window.
Eyebrow raised, Gideon continued the drive to the BAU offices. "Her husband couldn't drive her where she needed to go."
The stiffness in Reid's posture did not go unnoticed and both knew that. "There's no father." An unfamiliar rage created an almost heartburn feeling in his chest, knowing Elena's story that she told him when she cried in his arms during a really bad emotional night.

Gideon gave a slight shrug "It happens. How long have you known her?"

"A few months. Closest person I have to a friend outside of work."
"We all need something outside of work. Just to keep us grounded."
"She's my best friend."
Gideon smiled "Even better."

And with that, the conversation ended. Pulling into the parking lot, Reid checked his phone in case Elena texted his something funny that happened on the bus. She could make anything mundane insanely fun. Seeing no messages, he moved his phone into his satchel to focus on whatever gruesome thing that he was about to see.


A/n please let me know if these chapters get too long. I tend to ramble in my speech and writing without noticing. I also know some people prefer shorter chapters but I will try to not make them too long people lose interest.

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