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She never missed his calls. Spencer was confused as he sighed and placed his phone back in this pocket. Morgan looked over from the file he was looking, trying to make sense of the file in front of him.

"You ok there, Pretty Ricky?"

Spencer shook his head, "I don't know. I'm trying to call Ellie to discuss Christmas, but she keeps declining my calls. It's not like her."

Derek smirked as he leaned back in the chair "And when did this start happening?"

"1 month, 2 weeks, and 8 days. It feels like she's avoiding me but I have no clue why."

Thinking back to a month ago, Derek scoffed in amusement when he realized what had happened, "She's jealous, Reid."

Even more confused, " Of what?"

Morgan sighed, knowing that he was going to have to spell it out for the clueless genius "Case with Lila happened over a month ago. How quickly did you tell her what happened?"

Reid thought back to the day after they got back.

A smile graced his face, thinking about Lila as Spencer climbed the stairs back to his apartment. Maybe this is a step to getting over Elena. The twins were almost 4 and Spencer knew it wasn't a good idea to have the unrequited feelings he had for her. It was always hard to know if there was a possibility. He was pretty sure he had a snowball's chance in hell. Sometimes, late at night after the twins were in bed, a glass of red wine would have her spilling that a relationship would be too difficult at this point in her life. She would joke that her friendship with Spencer was the closest she would get to intimacy with the opposite sex. While he would laugh at her joke, inside his heart would break. It was clear she considered him a friend and nobody would be anything more.

Lila showed a clear interest in him. Lila wanted to be more than friends. He began to unlock his door, just as Elena stepped out. She was in her pajamas, the slip dress and robe with furry black slippers, telling him she was only getting the mail in her box downstairs. They locked eyes, but instead of her usual warm greetings, she only nodded her head and continued going down the stairs. Confused at what he could have done, he went into his apartment. He texted her that he was free for the day if she wanted to hang out. He could see his message was read, an answer never came.  Every interaction following was short and awkward. Sometimes Ellie would come up with vague reasons that she couldn't hang out. She never answered his calls and her texts were short and impersonal.

As quickly as his relationship with Lila started, it fizzled out. Busy schedules and long distance did not help with any connection that occurred when they first met in LA. Despite his best efforts, the relationship with Lila did not help end his feelings for Elena. Instead they only tortured him as he spent more lonely nights than he was used to.

"She did start acting weird when we got back, but we haven't talked so I have no clue what is actually going on." Reid mused.

Derek shook his head, "She probably saw the tabloids about you and Lila. She probably feels one of two ways. Either hurt that she found out through gossip magazines or jealous because she likes you."

Spencer looked at him, "Of course, she likes me. We're friends but jealousy doesn't make sense for me meeting other women."

Morgan pinched his nose bridge with his thumb and index, thinking about how to make him understand, "I mean that she's in love with you Reid. We all saw it on your birthday. We all actually thought you guys were dating."

Reid scoffed as he stood in front of the case board. "She is definitely not in love with me. I have nothing she could want."

Derek looked at him in amusement, "You mean other than respect, actual love, a jawline most get surgery for, brains, and a respected job."

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