4 - Hero

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"I'm home!" Touya shouted, throwing his backpack to the floor. He pulled off his shoes, threw them into the closet. The house was silent apart from some muffled talking he could hear down the hall.
Where is everyone? He snuck through the house, peeking into each room as he passed. Suddenly, there was a scream. Then a cry. Shoto. It came from the training room. Touya knew what was happening. He'd never seen it happen before, but Fuyumi and Natsu had told him about the things that happened while he wasn't home.
He put a hand on the door, hesitated, then swung it open.
The scene unfolded in front of him. Shoto was on the floor, crying. Endeavour was across from him, eyes and beard flaming, shouting. Fuyumi and Natsuo were no where to be seen, but Touya knew they were probably in the room next door, covering their ears in fear.
He saw Shoto looking at him. The red burn scar bright as ever. He saw the look on Shoto's face. It screamed for help.
Endeavour lifted a hand, the blow not hitting Shoto, but hitting a much taller, red-haired figure, who was thrown to the ground.
Touya got back up despite the pain in his face. He stood again in front of Endeavour, blood dripping from his nose.
"Get out of the way, Touya."
Touya clenched his hands in fists. "If you wanna hurt him, you're gonna have to get past me."
Endeavour sighed. He blew another punch at his son, hitting him square in the jaw.
Touya got back up. He felt blood pooling in his mouth, spit it in front of Endeavour's feet.
"How dare you." He said through teeth.
Endeavour's hands lit aflame, and he grabbed Touya, throwing him into a wall and angrily walking towards Shoto. Shoto frantically crawled away from Endeavour, scooting backwards until he hit the wall. He rose his hands and shut his eyes, prepared for the impact. But it never came. He slowly pried open his eyes. His father and Touya were fighting. Orange and blue flames colliding like punches. Touya shot out a spike of ice, which caught Endeavour off guard, giving him enough time to get closer, grabbing his father's arm and lighting it with his blue fire.
Endeavour flinched from the fire, which was too much for his heat resistance. He could feel the flames slowly burning his skin.
"What is it old man? My flames too much for you to handle?"
Endeavour felt the burn forming on his arm. His flames are so strong. He can win, but he doesn't have the battle experience that I do. He shot out a ball of fire at Touya. It missed, hitting the ceiling instead of his son.
Touya chuckled. "That all you got?" Endeavour grinned and watched the smile on Touya's face drop as he heard a crack above him. A piece of wood from the ceiling dropped, hitting Touya in the head, knocking him out and causing all the flames to instantly dissipate.
Endeavour stood. He was covered with sweat, and small burns covered his bare arms. "Get a medic here," he breathed, stomping out of the room.
Seconds later, Fuyumi and Natsuo peeked around the door. They saw their elder brother lying on the floor, unconscious. "Touya-nii!" Fuyumi cried. She and Natsuo rushed over, helping Touya sit up.
Natsuo got up and raced out of the room, going to get help.
Shoto went to Fuyumi and Touya. He saw the state of his brother, bloody and bruised. He saved me... Shoto thought back at Touya and his father's fight. It was brutal. He thought Touya didn't care about him, but he saved him. He admired his brother. A hero. His hero.

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