08. Subtle Salutations

Start from the beginning

" Thank you grandma" The new couple chirped in front of us as we all burst into fits of laughter, completely oblivious to the curious glances that came our way.

Monica's POV:

Another lazy afternoon. My friends had already left for home and even though they literally begged that I join them today at least, I couldn't agree. I had work in hand that I was determined to win over. Deep down, even I so desperately wanted to accompany my friends to our daily study sessions but I held back. We just celebrated our first official couple today and look at me. Instead of beaming around and poking fun at them, I'm stuck within these four walls with a laptop and overly saturated head.

I kept glancing at the clock on the wall. Desperately waiting and praying for it to strike six so that I could finally leave this hell hole but it's stupid hands seemed to be glued at 4:50. Ughh. That painful ticking sound finally got the best of me and I released an indignant sigh.

I took notice of the quick typing sound in front of me and looked up. There sat Emily Rhodes. Eyes absolutely fixated at her laptop screen and not even Almighty could distract her. Her fingers kept typing skillfully over the letter pad as all those years of typing had ridden her from constantly looking down to search for the next letter.

Occasionally she looked aside at the open notebook placed beside her laptop, which probably held the delicate, valuable codes that she had prepared for her program.

Emily Rhodes was determined. And I mean, she was determined like hell. Determined to Win. To win and get it all. All for herself. However, truth be told,and I believe it's quite clear that she was more determined to defeat me than to get the competition. Her attitude and demeanour says it all.

I am not trying to sound  judgemental, rather, I am appreciating her determination—No matter how she is using it. She is one of the few, or perhaps the only person I've met, who contains such great determination to win and such desperate and raw hunger to defeat. I'm not sure what good it does to her but, I find it highly amazing, and might I add, impressive too.

I have a very strange yet deep fondness for ambitious people. People who know what to do in life and are immensely skilled at their game. Those who seem to have life absolutely sorted and organized. I am, well to put it plainly, attracted to them. It is stupid. I admit. Liking overly ambitious men or women who only have enough space for their targets in their mind and hearts, is not healthy at all. But I cannot help it. I guess that's my type -Red flags all the way.

Only if Emily had a more polite nature. Only if she did not hate me this much. Only if she actually not despise my very own existence. Oh only if we hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot on the very first day. Only if we had gotten the chance to know each other. Only if-

"Any... problem?" came a stern voice.

I was pulled out of my thoughts. Oh my holy pepperoni! I was caught staring. My cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment.

"Uhh... ye-I mean-N-no. No problem. Yeah" I affirmed stuttering and gulping in pure shame.

I had been caught literally drooling over Emily Rhodes. Could life get any tougher.

Emily looked at me weirdly for a few more passing seconds, not quite convinced by my excuse as I painfully held her piercing gaze. Those dark, onyx orbs. I could notice those deep pools of her eyes even from across the room. I could drown in them-MONICA WILLIAMS?! FOCUS. GOD WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!

I scolded myself internally for getting so inappropriately distracted. Sure, Emily was pretty. Probably one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen but I shouldn't lose my cool like this. Especially when there's nothing as such. Absolutely nothing. Or...

Emily tore her sharp gaze away from mine and got back with her work and I painstakingly resumed mine as well..... 5:30, I looked at the clock. 30 more minutes and I'm free.

Fortunately those thirty minutes passed by without any trouble and I thanked God for it. Before closing the door behind me I felt a tugging sensation in my gut and decided to give it a shot. Come what may.

Turning around I looked at Emily as she stared back at me, confused at me delay in leaving as I am always the first one to leave the lab. I held my breath and blurted

" Bye Emily... " It came out soft and fragile, almost as a whisper. There was a pregnant pause as I realized that I had probably made a fool of myself again. Losing hope, I was about to turn back and leave.

—when suddenly, to my utmost shock and surprise I heard a reply. A REPLY. It was crisp and held absolutely no emotion yet it was enough to set my heart racing

"Bye. "


Author's Note (apology, to be exact 🥺)

Hellooo my beautiful readers!!!
Wait! Before you kill me for not updating sooner, I want to say that I am so so so deeply sorryyyy 😵😰😭
My new semester has just begun and, well, assignments have been a bit haunting lately, hehe... 😅
Anyways so this is the new chapter! Woohooo!
There's a little peak into Mou's thoughts about Emily and I think it's kinda 'interesting'😙..... It's happening yayy. If you enjoy the story so far, please vote and share 💗
More updates to follow soon.
Be healthy
Stay tuned

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