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The news of Carly's sudden death spread through the town like wildfire, opening the door for speculation and gossip that seemed to permeate every corner of the community. Whispers echoed through the streets, carried on the wind like mournful cries, as neighbors exchanged furtive glances and hushed conversations filled with worry of a serial killer on the loose in town. Although not many wanted to admit it, there were clear signs it wasn't an accident.

The situation dawned on the town's shoulders, no one felt like celebrating Christmas any more, suddenly the silly ornaments in windows and fat Santa offering pictures for kids in the nearest mall seemed out of touch, hurtful, not fun anymore, and not many came to the fireworks show held in the town square.

Madelene had been waiting so long for the winter break and for the solstice celebrations, instead, she spent the whale time locked in her room, her mother even allowed her to skip all Coven celebrations. Everyone understood why, but Joshua Parker was insanely disappointed in the behavior, he might not show it but he definitely had a talk about Coven's power as a whole after the dinner.

The Gemini Coven was already missing one of its members, perhaps The Gemini Coven already excluded one of the members is more appropriate to say, let alone two being missing, it reflected the balance greatly.

Carly's funeral was held on a somber Monday morning a day before winter break was done on January third, and it became the focal point of the town's collective grief. The whole school turned out to pay their respects, their faces drawn and pale with shock as they grappled with the harsh reality of losing one of their own.

Even the Parkers made an appearance, well, at least some of them. Josette Parker, with her stoic demeanor and steely gaze, stood at the back of the crowd, her expression unreadable as she observed the somber proceedings. Her eyes were very telling like she was holding in a secret she couldn't bear. She looked incredibly out of place, keeping a low gaze at all times, holding Charlotte's hand whose eyes brimming with tears that threatened to spill over at any moment, holding to her sister's arm for support.

And then there was Joey, the oldest Parker sibling, his usually carefree demeanor replaced by a solemnity that belied his years as he stood with his family, offering a silent tribute to the girl whose life had been tragically cut short. It was a rare occasion to see him not being an absolutely disgusting prick, Madelene thought.

She also wondered why he came, he didn't know Carly. In fact most of the town showed up without even knowing what she looked like. The only thing permanent in their memory is her distressed, bloody body lying in the creek that had been shown in the evening news on the day the news broke, and Madelene did not like that.

That will never be the Carly she knew.

Joshua Parker and his wife were standing straight with their chins up, both of them holding one of the little twins on their side, Lucas and Olivia must have been around four years old, extremely bored trying to kick one another behind their parent's backs. 

As Carly's casket was lowered into the ground, the sound of earth hitting wood echoed like a final farewell, a reminder of how fragile life is, and how easy it is to lose. With every sound, Madelene cringed holding up tears.

After almost two weeks the autopsy has shown no foul play, the case has been closed, and Carly's case was deemed an accident. Madelene almost laughed out loud when she saw the statement on the local news channel.

"Are they serious?" she lifted her head off the couch to look at her mother.

The woman watched the screen with no clear emotions "They are professionals, they know best"

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