Chapter 26 (Longer Chapter)

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Sierra woke up to the steady sound of beeping and a throbbing headache, she groaned forcing her eyes open, and went to rub her eyes only to groan in pain as pain shot through her shoulder.  She groaned in pain reaching up with her left hand to hold her shoulder as her eyes opened and she recognized the ED of Chicago Med. 

Sitting next to her bed was Jay, Mouse, and Connor, "what happened?" Sierra asked looking at them. "The stitches you got for your gunshot wound tore open, you would've bled out at home if they didn't come to check on you," Connor said as everything started coming back. From drinking whiskey to dancing around the house, Jay and Mouse stopping by, the last thing she remembered was Jay and Mouse getting her in his truck and she told Jay she loves him. 

"What happened on your case in Iowa?" Jay asked, Sierra sighed. "We got called to Cedar Rapids because the locals found a mass grave, 25 women along the river there..." Sierra said. "Wait you were working the serial killer case in Cedar Rapids? Didn't he murder and bury over 100 women along the Cedar River?" Mouse asked her. "What I heard about it on the news," Mouse replied when Connor and Jay sent him a look. Sierra nodded, "Long story short we had 2 locations he could've been hiding so the team split up. Alvez, Reid, and I went to this cabin outside town." Sierra said explaining how they split up at the house and how she chased their unsub into the woods, lost track of Reid, and got herself shot and almost killed.

The three went quiet shaking their heads, "Do you realize how stupid it was for you to run through the woods after a serial killer? Let alone one that had been murdering and dumping women in those woods for decades?" Jay said lecturing her. Sierra stayed quiet looking at Jay who looked even more attractive when he was mad. "I love you," Sierra said causing Jay to stop talking instantly. 

Connor and Mouse both went wide eyed at the words, "I'm gonna go check on some Patients," Connor said going to excuse himself. "I'm gonna go grab a coffee," Mouse added following him out of the treatment room. Jay was quiet as he looked at Sierra for a second before he closed the space between them. Cupping her cheeks in his hands he pressed his lips to hers, their lips moved in sync for a moment before a knock sounded on the door and Jay stepped back as Dr. Halstead walked into the room. 

He sent Jay and Sierra a smile as he sanitized his hands, "Ms Rhodes how are you feeling" Dr. Halstead asked. "Call me Sierra please and I'm okay my shoulder aches but pretty positive that's just a side effect of getting shot," Sierra replied. "I can give you something for the pain?" Dr. Halstead offered as Sierra just shook her head no. "If the pain gets worse or you change your mind let me know," he replied. "Where did you get your stitches after you got shot if you don't mind me asking?" Dr. Halstead asked her. "Umm, Mercy Medical Center, Cedar Rapids Iowa... Why?" Sierra asked him. 

"The doctor that stitched your bullet wound did a really sloppy job," Dr. Halstead said. "Sloppy job is an understatement. It was malpractice on their behalf and it almost cost my sister her life. I've seen better stitches down in a back alley clinic than this doctor," Connor said causing Sierra to let out a laugh followed by a groan in pain. "Do you remember your doctor's name?" Connor asked as Sierra shook her head no, "It should be on my medical file right?" Sierra asked Connor more than anyone else. 

Her older brother nodded, "Am I allowed to go through your medical file to find it?" Connor asked. "Only if you tell what you plan to do when you find out who this doctor is," Sierra replied. "Fair enough, I'm planning to sue them, and I want their medical license revoked," Connor replied bluntly. Sierra nodded, "I also want to run a few tests, scans, and x-rax just to make sure the bullet didn't hit anything," Dr, Halstead replied. Sierra was gonna protest but didn't, she could have bled out in her penthouse. The only people who knew she was home were her team and the person who would've found her would've been Connor. 

That thought smashed her heart especially after they both found their mom after she took her life. It was unfortunately one of Sierra's first memories she could recall and the worst, she never wanted to do that to Connor. She understood why he was so mad, "I'll be back in a bit, try not to give Will a hard time," Connor said before he left the room trying to contain his anger. 

Dr. Halstead went through a series of tests, scans, and x-rays, and luckily the bullet missed any vital organ. Sierra wasn't looking as pale after units of blood and she was discharged to go home and rest. Dr. Halstead recommended she take a few extra days off work to let the wound heal. Connor was still on shift and on the phone with his lawyer talking about filing a lawsuit against the doctor in Cedar Rapids. Jay ended up driving Sierra back to the penthouse. 

Sierra & Connor Rhodes's Penthouse, Astoria Tower, Chicago Illinois

Jay parked his truck out front of the building and walked around the truck to get the door for Sierra helping her out of the truck. He walked her inside and all the way to her penthouse, "Wanna hang out for a bit?" She asked him as she unlocked the door and pushed it open. "Sure, if you want me to stay," he replied following her into the penthouse. 

Sierra kicked her boots off and made her way over to the couch and sat down. Jay followed after taking his boots off and sat down on the couch next to her putting an arm around her. Sierra leaned to her left resting her head on Jay's chest for a few minutes before she glanced up at him. 

Jay smirked down at her causing her heart to skip a beat, leaning down he pressed his lips on hers kissing her softly, and deeply. Sierra lay back on the couch using her left hand to hook the collar of Jay's shirt and pull him down on top of her while they were making out. Jay broke a smile before leaving soft kisses down her neck causing her breath to catch in her throat. 

That's when it stopped and she opened her eyes looking up at Jay, "You need to get rest," he said causing Sierra to roll her eyes and let out a groan. "Jay please," she pleaded looking at him. Jay bit his lip, "I want to, believe me, I want to so bad. But I don't want you to rip your stitches again Sierra," her replied as he sat back. "Okay," Sierra simply said as she got up and made her way into the kitchen. 

"hey, please don't be mad," Jay said following her into the kitchen as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and tried to open it. "I'm not mad, not at you at least, can you, please?" she asked handing him the bottle of water he effortlessly opened and handed back. "Thanks," she replied taking a sip from it. "Who else would you be mad at?" Jay asked, "Myself, for waiting until I nearly got executed to tell you how I feel," she replied honestly. 

Jay seemed surprised as he walked over to her, "So this isn't a recent feeling?' he said more than asked watching her reaction to his question. Sierra shook her head no, "I'd say around the time the BAU and Intelligence worked that case together," She replied honestly. Jay nodded closing the gap between them and pressing his lips to hers again. He lifted her up and Sierra wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her back over to the couch as their lips moved in sync. 

Jay lay her on the couch hovering over her as his lips trailed from her lips to her neck again. Sierra let out a soft moan as he started leaving kisses across the sweet spot on her neck. "you're going to be the death of me," she whispered breathlessly. Jay's fingers started trailing up her thigh towards the bottom of her shorts and Sierra bite her bottom lip in anticipation. Jay lifted his lips so he was looking at her now, "are you sure?" he was all he asked as Sierra nodded her head. 

"Use your words, babe," Jay said with the very smirk that made her heart skip a beat. "Please," she pleaded again. With that one word, he pulled her shorts and underwear off tossing them on the floor, before his head dipped below her waist. 


I hope you guys liked this chapter! I know I promised you this chapter tomorrow but i figured I'd post it early. As always thank you for all the love and support <3 I should have chapter 27 posted by sometime tomorrow (Sunday, March 31st, 2024)


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