Chapter 25

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O'Hare International Airport, Chicago Illinois 

The flight from Cedar Rapids to Chicago only took an hour, and Sierra departed the flight and made her way through the airport with her go bag over her left shoulder as she made her way outside and over to one of the dozen cabs sitting at the exit near the carpool lane. Sierra sat in the back of the cab watching the scenery go by, trying not to think about the throbbing pain in her shoulder. The cab pulled up to the penthouse and she paid the driver cash before she stepped out of the cab and made her way into the building. 

Connor & Sierra Rhodes' Penthouse, Astoria Tower, Chicago Illinois

Sierra used her key and unlocked the front door stepping into the penthouse and letting the door swing shut behind her. She kicked her boots off looking around noticing Connor wasn't home, most likely on shift at Med. Sierra dropped her bag at the end of the hall so she could change the clothes and wash the dirty ones she wore while they were in Iowa. 

She made her way down the hall to get changed out of the muddy torn clothes she wore before leaving Iowa. Sierra threw on a pair of black spandex shorts and an oversized Grey 'Chicago' t-shirt trying not to swear in pair as she put the shirt on. 

Afterward, Sierra made her way down the hall to the kitchen, grabbed a shot glass and a bottle of whiskey, and poured herself a shot. She downed the shot, pouring another and downing that one too. Sierra wiped her forehead where she had a gun pressed less than 5 hours ago. She let out a shaky breath as a flash of painful memories went through her mind. Of the very room she was held and tortured in for hours on end, Sierra shook the thought while pouring a third shot of whiskey and downing the burning gold liquid. 

Sierra ended up playing music through the speakers playing her favorite songs from the early 2000s mostly pop and rock. Rihanna, Kesha, Fall out Boy, simple plan, Green Day. After a couple of songs and a couple more shots, Sierra was starting to feel drunk. It wasn't until she went to pour another shot that she realized her shoulder didn't hurt anymore but then again she felt almost numb. 

Sierra eventually stopped using the shot glass altogether and just started sipping from the bottle as she danced around the penthouse singing along to Alone Together by Fallout Boy. Over the sound of the music, she could hear a loud knock from the front door. Sierra was confused wondering who was there. "IT'S OPEN," Sierra called out as she took a sip from the bottle before continuing to sing along with the song. The front door opened revealing Jay and Mouse, causing Sierra to smile happy to see them as she turned the music down a bit. 

"Hey," Sierra said as the two took their shoes off and walked over looking instantly concerned. "Hey, are you okay?" Jay asked her. "Yeahhh. So do you guys always stop byyy when you think I'm not here?" Sierra slurred with a smirk. "No, Alvez wanted us to check on you," Mouse replied as Jay walked over to Sierra stopping in front of her. 

Her heart skipped a beat at how close he was, "A-are your bleeding? Are you hurt?" he asked worry lacing his voice as Sierra looked down at her shoulder noticing she had blood soaking through the t-shirt. "shit," she muttered before making her way down the hall towards the bathroom where Connor help the first aid kit. "Sierra, Sierra hang on, You have blood on your back too," he said taking her hand causing her to stop halfway down the hall to look at him. "You look really pale, why don't you sit down," Jay suggested before leading her back to the couch. 

"Can I see?" Jay asked her referring to her shoulder and Sierra just nodded. Jay pulled the baggy short sleeve up revealing the blood soaked gauze over her bullet wound. "Mouse grab a towel, something I can use to put pressure on this," Jay said. Mouse nodded before taking off down the hall. Jay ended up pulling off his flannel button up and pressed it to the wound causing Sierra to groan. "What the hell happened?" Jay asked, "I got shot on a case I was workingggg obviously," Sierra slurred. "And you didn't go to the hospital?!?" Jay said as Mouse ran back with a few towels. "Want me to call an Ambulance?" Mouse asked him. 

"I don't need an ambulance, help me up and drive me to the hospitalll. Anddd for yourrr information I did gooooo to the hospitalll. I think I blewww my stitchesss," She slurred and Mouse and Jay shook their head and helped her to her feet. Sierra went to take another sip of whiskey when Jay took the bottle and set it on the table nearby. "Heyyyyy," she whines, "You don't need anymore, come on let go," Jay said putting an arm around Sierra and walking her over to the door. 

He knelt down and helped her put her boots on her feet before he put his arm around her and walked her out of the penthouse with Mouse, down the elevator, and outside to Jay's pickup truck. He lifted Sierra into the back seat and helped her fasten her seatbelt. "I love you," she said softly causing Jay to pause and look at her. He sent her a small smirk before he closed the door and climbed into the driver's seat. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

By the time Jay's truck pulled up to Med everything was moving around Sierra so fast, the lights, Jay and Mouse jumping out of the truck and opening her door. Sierra would've fallen out of the truck if Jay hadn't caught her and started walking her toward the ED with his arm around her. Sierra tried to keep moving her legs but with each step, she was getting more and more tired and Jay ended up having to keep her on her feet. 

As they got through the sliding doors of the ED Sierra almost instantly dropped. Jay managed to catch her before she hit the floor "A LITTLE HELP OVER HERE" He called out. "Jay?" Will said running over along with a few nurses and Connor. "What happened?" Will asked noticing Sierra, "She got shot on a case she was working on," Jay replied as Maggie rolled a stretcher into the hall. "Lift on 3. 1...2...3" Will said as he, Connor, and a few other nurses lifted Sierra and placed her on the stretcher. 

"Bullet was a through and through, did she get stitches?" Will asked Jay as he pulled the gauze off to put more on to pack the wound. "She's lost a lot of blood, Maggie call the blood bank request 2 bags of 0 negative," Connor said before they wheeled Sierra into a treatment room. "Stitches are blown on both sides," Will said shaking his head. "I'll stitch the front of her shoulder if you want to stitch the back?" Connor said earning a look from Will. 

"I can get another doctor on call Connor, it's your sister- there are no other docs on call and by the time they get here she is gonna bleed out," Connor said in a stern and serious tone. Will nodded as they both got gloves on and began stitching the wound shut. "Are the stitches in the back- shredded? yea," Will replied sending him a look as Connor shook his head it looked like an amateur stitched her up. The stitches were placed too close to the gunshot wound and tore it open even more. 

Will and Connor managed to stitch the wounds shut and cover them back up in gauze. They got Sierra IV fluids and blood after how much blood she lost. Will and Connor stepped out of the room where Jay and Mouse were nervously waiting for an update. "She's stable, we have her on IV fluid and blood," Will said. "What happened?" Connor asked looking to Jay and Mouse, who told him they found her at their penthouse drinking and bleeding through her t-shirt. "I don't even think she realized her stitches blew," Jay said. "How'd she get shot?" Connor asked, "All she said is she got shot while working a case," Mouse replied. 


Hey everyone, I hope you liked chapter 25. 

Sierra finally told him she loves him O-O I should have chapter 26 up sometime tomorrow (Sunday, March 31st, 2024). Thank you for all the love and support <3 


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