"What?! I'm not... I'm not jealous!" Jack said looking offended.

"Mhm." We hummed sarcastically. As Kim and I leave to the locker room.

~No POV~

"I just don't get what the big deal is." Jack shrugged.

"Yeah, I don't get a girl see in him?" Jerry agreed. "I have everything he does."

"Really? You have talent, good looks and a private jet?" Eddie asked in disbelief.

"Well, I have talent, good looks. And my sister's three-speed bike." Jerry said proudly.

"Ooh! You guys sound like a bunch of haters." Rudy joined in the conversation, "You know, back in the day I was the lead singer in a boy band.

"What? Straight up, yo." Rudy said a little offended, "I was into a tight little
outfit called "just us guyz." He said as everyone was giving a look. "With a 'z.' That's what made it cool."

"Check it." Rudy said while doing a some word spin. "Uhhh. Hush, girl, don't tell no one else. it's called a secret, so keep it to yourself, secret, mm, shhh." Rudy ended singing and dancing with a shushing finger.

"Wow," Jack said not knowing what else to say.
"Just... wow!"

"I know what your secret was." Milton said, "You were awesome!" He shouted.

"Yeah, man, that was great!" Eddie agreed.

"Well, there's more where that came from. Uh, unfortunately, It's on a cassette thstuck in my
car's tape deck for five years, But you guys wanna hear it?" Rudy said smugly.

Milton, Eddie, Jerry agreed happily and the four started to walked towards Rudy's car.

"Uh, you guys go ahead." Jack said, not wanting to come along.

"Rudy, what's a cassette?" That was the last thing heard Milton asked.

Jack was about to answer when the doors were open and Ricky Weaver walked in by being followed by two bodyguards. "I'm looking for Kim Crawford."

"Uh, I know you. Uh, you're the guy." Jack snapped his fingers like he was trying to figure out his name. "Uh, what is it?"

"Ricky Weaver!" Kim and Bella squealed in excitement and running towards them.

"What's up, Kim? Who's your friend." Ricky said.

"I'm Arabella, but you call me Bella." Bella said with excitement.

"Guys, it's cool. Wait in the limo." Ricky told his bodyguards, shooing them away. "I thought I'd stop by and say hey before the show."

"Ricky, you're... you're... you're... You're here. You're standing in our dojo!" Kim exclaimed excitedly. "Uh uh, Ricky, this is, uh... Uh..."

"Jack." Bella spoke curtly.

"Ah, what's up?" Ricky nodded. Jack stuck his hand out for Ricky to shake, but Ricky ignored it, taking me and Kim by the shoulders guiding us away from Jack. "Kim, I really loved the essay you wrote. If it's cool with you, I'd like to bring you and a friend up onstage tonight to dance with me."

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna be dancing with you. In front of the whole school?!" Kim asked dumbfounded. "And Bella is coming too?" She asked hopefully. "This is gonna make Grace's head explode!" Kim exclaimed before snorting.

"Wow!" Jack snorted. "Smooth."

"Jack!" Bella and Kim warned angrily.

"Just make sure you both wear something cute." Rudy told them.

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