
Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Guido. For taking me." I thanked him. Guido and I have become so close. He's like a second best friend. "So, have you watched it yet?" I asked him. I've been trying to get him to watch some of the things I watch like The Rookie and Ginny and Georgia and some of my childhood shows.

He sighed and looked at me through the windshield. "I did." He replied.


"The main character seems bitchy. I mean, her mom is kind of a lot, but she doesn't have to be a bitch to her." He replied. This made me roar back in laughter. He kept yapping on and on, which surprised me because Guido didn't seem like a guy who talks much.

After yapping on for another hundred hours, he finally gave me the time to talk. "But in my opinion, Hunter literally did the best for her and then some. It's the other guy who keeps climbing through her window and acting like a creep all of the time." I defended. He had the nerve to insult one of my favorite characters.

"He's cringey. You can't tell me that he isn't cringey." He retorted.

I chuckle. "Okay, maybe he's a little cringey but_"

"MY POINT EXACTLY!" He yelled, making me laugh hard. Debating with Guido is pretty fun, I won't lie. We were finally home and inside. I asked Guido to show me where Antonio's home office is so I could take him his bowl. "It's upstairs, down the hallway, last door to your left." I nodded and thanked him once again.

I followed the steps he told me and ended up in front of a huge door. I knocked softly. "Come in." I hear Antonio answer from inside. I slowly opened the door and stepped in. His office is huge. He was sitting at a desk, writing something. He brings his head up, giving me his undivided attention. "Hey, sweetheart. Is everything okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes." I replied. "I just, um... you didn't eat this morning, so I got you an açaí bowl. It doesn't have any coconut shavings on it since I know you're allergic to coconut, but I just really wanted you to eat something." I told him.

He smiled softly. "Well aren't you sweet?" He softly takes the bowl and a spoon from my hands and opens it. He takes a bite and a soft moan of pleasure leaves his lips. My legs involuntarily crossed over the other. Why did he have to make that sound? "It's good, love. Thank you." He said.

I smiled. "I'm glad you like it." I replied. "That was all, though. I just needed you to eat." I said and turned to walk out.

"Wait." He called before I could leave. I turned around. "What time are you trying to leave for the venue?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh, it doesn't matter. It's up to you." I replied.

"Okay, how about 30 minutes then?" He asked. "Unless you have homework, then I could push it back to a later time."

"No, I don't have any homework." I replied. I normally get my homework done in school so that I could prevent doing it at home. I do have a small portion of homework to do, but it's not too much to stress over. "Let me eat, then I'll be ready." I told him.

"Okay, sure." He smiled. I smiled back and walked out of the room.

I walked downstairs and sat down at the table while I ate my açaí bowl. It tasted amazing, it always tastes so good each time I eat it. There were maids around, cleaning. None of them stopped to speak to me. Guido is the only friend I have here. Speak of the devil, he popped out from the kitchen.

I smirked. "What?" I asked him.

"What do those things taste like?" He asked with a small smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes. "What, I'm just asking." He threw his hands up in defensive mode.

"Get a spoon." I chuckled. He ran into the kitchen to grab a spoon and back. He sat down on the chair next to me and scooped a small bit of the bowl. He slowly shoved the spoon into his mouth and looked up at the ceiling as if he was thinking. "So...?"

"Damn, this is good." He exclaimed. I chuckle as he takes another huge scoop out of my bowl.

"Okay, hey, not too much." I scolded. He ignored me and got another scoop. Laughs filled the dining room as I wrestled the spoon out. I finally got ahold of his spoon and held it far away from his reach.

Our laughs died down and now we were just staring into each other's eyes. Guido's eyes were a perfect shade of blue. Like the ocean. I've never really noticed his eyes before. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips. Shit.

"Aurora, are you ready?" Antonio's voice broke us out of our staring. Thank God for Antonio.

I cleared my throat. "Yes, I'm ready." I replied. I stood up and gave Guido a faint smile before walking to Antonio's side. "Are you taking us?" I asked Guido.

Before he could answer, Antonio butt in. "I'll be driving us." He replied, making me nod my head. "Guido, inform everyone that I'm not at home. If anyone has any questions, they are to come to you. I'm placing that responsibility in your hands for the few hours I won't be here."

Guido nodded his head. "Yes, sir."

Antonio took my hand in his and together, we walked out of the front door. Antonio whispered something to one of the bodyguards standing outside, which earned him a nod in response. I smile at him as we walked to the car garage.


"Mr. Maricceli is out with his fiancé at the moment, so any questions that need to be asked, you come directly to me. I'm sure you do not want any problems with me or Mr. Maricceli, so I advise that you do what you normally do, and don't go out of order." I announced to the group of men standing in front of me.

"Yes, sir."

I sigh as I walked back to my car to head to the house. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I catching feelings for my friend's soon to be wife? I don't know when it started, but all I know is that whenever her and I are together, I find myself breaking out of this turtle shell that I've succumbed to.

I had an urge today when we were in the dining room. The urge to kiss her lips right then and there. To caress her soft cheeks and tell her why I'd be a better fit for her. Why Antonio isn't the right man for her. If Antonio hadn't walked in and if there were less people around, I probably would have.

Antonio knows nothing about being in relationships. He's used to just fucking woman and dumping them to the side. I don't know what his intention is with her after they get married, but she doesn't deserve that.

This feels wrong. The way I feel about this woman just feels so wrong. She's still a fucking kid for crying out loud. I'm the same age as Antonio, but I go for more mature women. Something she's not. She's mature, but not the mature I normally go for.

So why are you thinking about her all of the time?

All I know is that right now, I'm crossing a line I know I shouldn't cross. Antonio is my friend since high school. He helped me when I didn't have anyone. It would be a shame for me to betray him like this. And Aurora seems like she's warming up to Antonio, and she's not disloyal either. I know I don't have my chance with her.

But thinking about her is going to be hard to just stop. She's even in my mind when I go to bed late at night. Why is such a young girl infatuating me like this? A girl who I'd never date. She's younger than me, she's not as mature... but she's so beautiful. So pure.

I want her to be mine. But I know I'll have to cross some giant mountains to make that happen.

Hi! Sorry if the chapter seems short. We got a Guido POV. Follow me for more updates! Thank you for reading.

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