Chapter Twenty One

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"Welcome back to the real world, my dear."

I blinked, my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright lights in the room.

"I did not know that" —Havel swallowed hard— "your grandmother was dead." He saw my glare and hurried on, "I fully assure you that when I put her down there I was not intending for her to...die. I just intended to keep her there until she was ready to tell me where the Phoenix Stone is."

I continued glaring at him. "It doesn't matter if you meant to or not, you still killed her and I will never forgive you for that."

He sighed. "So be it." His expression brightened. "But maybe I can make it up to you."

"How? It's not like you can bring her back!" I exploded. I was mad but actually, I was mostly sad and aching from grief.

Havel smiled knowingly.

"Oh dear," I whispered, seeing his smile. "Let me guess, you do have a way to bring her back?"

"Oh yes, however, it is still a work in progress right now. Let me tell you what my plan is." He stepped to one of the normal chairs in the room and gestured for me to sit down, which I did hesitantly.

"I've been researching how to bring back the dead for years," he started. "In fact, just over twelve years."

I interrupted, "So you've been trying to figure out how to bring back the dead ever since my mother died?"

He sighed. "Yes, that's exactly what I've been trying to do. Now listen. I've researched every possible way, I've even tried some of them! But none of them have worked. There's only one more option now and Nalrae has been helping me get ready to do it. She has assured me that it will work just as I want it to as long as I give it the right instructions."

"Cut to the chase already!" As much as I knew I probably couldn't afford to help him I wanted to hear what he had to say. My heart ached for my grandmother and all I wanted to do was hug her again.

"There's only one thing I need and I haven't been able to find it. I've looked all over the land, exploring rumours about where it could be. I've been through Nolyra, Qathon, Thiale, Staebia, and Aclor Island. The only one left is Esmye but I have no idea where to start looking." He sighed. "I wish someone other than your grandmother had known where it was."

"What are you looking for?"

"I didn't tell you?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, well, I'm looking for the Phoenix Stone."

I gasped and turned my head away.

He peered at me, a smile dawning on his lips. "You know where it is, don't you? I knew someone else had to know!" He stood up and started pacing the room excitedly. "You can show me where it is!" He pulled at his hair. "You could've told me all along! I shouldn't have let your grandmother take you away from me!" He paused. "But on the other hand, then you would't have known where it is."

I said nothing, hoping with all my heart that if I said nothing he would think that I actually didn't know where the Phoenix Stone was located.

He grabbed my hand. "Show me where it is! Please!" He got down onto his knees and begged me, but I still said nothing.

Finally I said, "Why do you want it so badly?"

He stopped mid sentence, shocked. "What?"

"Why do you want it so badly?" I repeated.

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