The Bodyguard Pt. 2

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A year had passed since Sana and I settled into our peaceful life in the Philippines. Amidst the tranquility, I held onto the engagement ring I had purchased, eagerly awaiting the perfect moment to propose to Sana. Marriage was on my mind constantly; I longed to make her my wife. As I went about my day, I stayed connected with my colleagues who still worked for the elder Minatozaki. Through them, I remained informed about the ongoing situation. Recently, we discovered a dangerous agreement between the Elder Minatozaki and the Elder Tuan, putting us at risk of being hunted down.

Jackielyn and Samantha, aware of the gravity of our situation, worked tirelessly to cover our tracks. Their efforts were commendable, but the threat loomed ominously. One evening, as I was preparing dinner, my phone shattered the calm with an unknown caller. Anxiety gripped me as I let it go to voicemail. The urgency in the message from Miyeon, one of our associates, sent my heart racing. In a frenzy, I called Miyeon back, only to hear the distressing news—our whereabouts had been compromised. Panic surged through me as I dialed Sana, urging her to return home immediately.

When Sana finally answered, I wasted no time in conveying the urgency of the situation. With a heavy heart, I instructed her to rush home. Turning to Ash, who had been keeping a watchful eye over us during her supposed vacation, I pleaded for her help. The gravity of my decision weighed heavily on me as I urged Ash to take Sana to safety. I knew the risks involved in confronting our pursuers alone, but I had no other choice. Time was slipping away, and I couldn't afford to hesitate. With determination, I began packing Sana's belongings, steeling myself for the impending confrontation. Every moment counted, and I was prepared to do whatever it took to protect the woman I loved.

As Sana entered the room and saw me packing her belongings, confusion and concern etched across her face. Her immediate response was to offer to pack my things too, but I halted her with a sorrowful gaze. "No, baby, stop," I implored gently, watching her with a mixture of love and pain. She paused, her eyes searching mine, her expression shifting from worry to anguish as tears welled up. Her voice trembled as she questioned me, demanding to know why. "I am not coming with you, Sana," I confessed, bracing myself for her reaction. "I need to confront them. I need to buy you and Ash some time to escape." Her initial shock gave way to anger, her voice rising with incredulity and fear. She lashed out, hitting my chest with desperate force, but I held her close, absorbing the blows as I tried to calm her.

"Babe, you need to listen," I murmured, my voice thick with emotion. "I can't risk you getting caught with me. Your father is ruthless. I'm still your bodyguard, and it's my duty to protect you, even if it means sacrificing myself." Sana's sobs grew louder, her pleas becoming more desperate as she begged me to reconsider. But I knew running away was no solution. We couldn't evade her father's reach forever. It was time to confront the inevitable. "We can't run forever, my love," I whispered, gently pushing her away and zipping up her bag. "This confrontation is long overdue. It's time to face the music." As Ash arrived with her girlfriend, the gravity of the moment intensified. I nodded to Ash, confirming that Sana was ready. With one final embrace and a lingering kiss, Sana reluctantly parted from me, leaving our sanctuary behind.

Alone in the quiet aftermath, I retreated to my study, steeling myself for the battle ahead. With grim determination, I armed myself, each weapon a testament to the lengths I would go to protect the woman I loved. Ready for whatever awaited me, I steeled my resolve, knowing that whatever the outcome, I would face it head-on.


As we drove away, the weight of the situation pressed heavily upon us. My gaze shifted to the passenger in the backseat, her eyes fixed on her phone, likely studying a picture of Alessandra. It was a scene I had anticipated, the temporary solution we had concocted now revealing its inevitable shortcomings. We had challenged powerful adversaries, and the repercussions were swift to follow. Lost in my thoughts, I felt the comforting touch of my girlfriend's hand, her sad smile reflecting the shared concern we felt for Sana. We knew our limitations; all we could do was ensure her safety. Alessandra had entrusted her to our care, and as her bodyguards, it was our solemn duty to protect her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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