𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 9

Start from the beginning

She threw away the finished board and grabbed the next board.

Y/n answered all the questions and had now arrived at the last question.

She tored the paper form the board and read the next question "What did happen to Y/n and Jack?"

Y/n looked nervously into the camera but also a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Ahm....well we were not on good terms that why we...why we split up" She said as she nervously tugged at her dress.

Y/n does not looked happy at all after talking about her ex.

Who on earth is that Jack Dude?!

What did he do?

I had so many questions, which I couldn't answer.

But why do I want to know it so bad?

What is going on with me?

I quickly got ride of the thoughts as Y/n spoke again. "well guys these were all question I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will be very happy to do more videos with WIRED. Love you all take care" and the screen turned black.

I closed YouTube and couldn't stop thinking about the question of Y/n's ex, Jack.

I couldn't get Y/n's facial expression out of my head.

What if he did something to her, during their relationships?

The idea that Jack had been physically abusive towards her made my blood boil. I needed to know the truth, so I turned to Google in search of answers.

As I scrolled through the search results, my heart sank as I read more and more about the alleged abuse. I couldn't believe that Y/n had been through such a traumatic experience.

Determined to find out more, I quickly switched gears and opened TikTok, searching for any videos of Jack and Y/n together.

After only a minute of scrolling, my eyes widened as I came across a video of them in a restaurant, arguing. My heart clenched as I watched Jack shove Y/n forcefully, causing her to stumble but thankfully not fall. The sight made my blood boil, and I felt a surge of anger towards Jack.

I was torn. On one hand, I wanted to call Y/n right away and confront her about the video. But on the other hand, I knew that she needed to come to me in her own time. She needed to be ready to talk about what had happened.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to hold off on calling Y/n. I knew that it wasn't my place to pry or push her to talk about something so sensitive.

As much as I wanted to protect her and make things right, I knew that I needed to respect her boundaries and give her the space to open up when she was ready.

With a heavy heart, I closed my phone and took a deep breath. I would be there for Y/n when she needed me, but for now, I would focus on being a supportive.

I was still sitting in my room, my mind swirling with thoughts of Y/n. I couldn't deny the strong feelings i had for her, but at the same time, I couldn't quite place what those feelings were.

Were they just friendly?

Or was there something more there?

I thought back to the short but wonderfull times we had spent together, how she always made me laugh and smile, how she had a way of making everything seem brighter.

And then I thought about the pain I had seen in her eyes, the hurt she could have endured in the past.

A wave of protectiveness washed over me , a fierce desire to shield her from any more pain or suffering. I knew that I couldn't bear to see her hurt again, not if i could help it. I would do anything to keep her safe and happy.

As I mulled over my feelings, I realized that maybe, just maybe, my feelings for Y/n ran deeper than I had initially thought. Maybe I cared for her in a way that went beyond friendship, a way that made my heart ache with a longing I couldn't quite explain.

I may not know my feelings for her nor her felling for me right know.

But I knew one thing for certain - I would always be there for her, to protect her, to comfort her, to support her in any way I could. And as I made that silent vow to myself, a sense of peace washed over me, knowing that I would always be her unwavering protector, no matter what.

I would always be by her side, ready to shield her from any storm that came her way. For me, I knew that no matter what, I would do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy, forever. And is does not matter what my feelings for her are. I will be always there for her in the good and bad times.

With these thoughts, I went out of my room and ran downstairs. "How long did it take?" my mother asked me as she prepared the food.

It It was so good that I got drool in my mouth. Nothing in the world tastes better than my mother's food.

"I watched a video and lost track of time," I said, helping her set the table.

"if you mean." she took the pot in her hand and walked with it to the table. She put pasta casserole in my plate and herself too.

"by the way. Jobe and Mark are coming to visit us. Jobe has an week holiday so they are coimg to watch you game"

I'm so happy. I haven seen them for so long and I missed them so much. "that's nice. Can't wait." I put some pasta into my mouth.

After eating I helped my mum to clean the kitchen and went upstairs to my room and watched another episode of keeping up with the Kardashians.

After finishing the episode, I went to bed after the hard day.

What is y/n doing right now?

I hope she's doing well.


Author's note:

Hope you guys like it! Don't forget to vote and comment. Take care! Love you all💕

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