Vol-2 Ch-9 The Final Stand Part-1

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I got up from my seat and took out a USB drive. I plugged it in the computer present which was connected to the projector.

I looked at the Class C students and gave them a menacing grin. If there panic level while talking to Ichinose was 5, it was 10 now.

The curtains of the room closed automatically, creating a dark environment.

I played the video that would be the doom for Class C.

It showed three Class C students surrounding Sodou. The video was taken from a distance not too far, but not close either. But the sound quality was still good.

"If you don't quit the club, a lot of pain will be in your future." said Ishizaki.

"Do you think, I will be scared of you? Ha, don't make me laugh." said Sodou.

"You think you are some big shot, even kindergartners play better basketball than you." taunted Komiya.

"Yeah, you were just lucky to become a regular." said Kondou.

It was working. Sodou looked like he would hit them any second. But surprisingly he shook it off.

"Look, I am trying to improve myself. So, I don't want to fight you guys. Don't try to provoke me." he said.

The other three were surprised hearing this.

"Aw, look at that are little girl is a woman now. She doesn't even want to play with us."

"Grrr, I said knock it off. I am leaving." Sodou said and tried to leave.

But suddenly Ishizaki slapped him. That did it. Sodou suddenly turned and started hitting them one by one.

It was comical to be looking at from a third person perspective. Sodou was always focused on fighting one, while the other two would just stand there, waiting for there turn.

When Sodou would move to fight Kondou, Ishizaki and Komiya would just stand there.

After a while, all of the three lay on the floor, writhing in pain. Sodou's right fist was covered in blood.

"He he, so. Do you really think that this is the end of it, Sudou?"

Despite being barely able to move, Ishizaki tried to taunt.

"Do you wanna make me laugh? You're in the sorriest state possible. You want to go for another round, huh? Next time I won't hold back."

Sudou grabbed Ishizaki's collar, and brought him closer. They were eye-to-eye now, only a few centimeters apart. Sudou looked as though he was going to kill and then devour his opponent, which was so overwhelming that the defeated Ishizaki looked away.

"Are you scared? Did you really think you'd beat me if you had more people?"

Sudou snorted, dropped the student, picked up his bag, and then turned and walked away as if the defeated three completely disinterested him.

"What a waste of time. Tiring me out after practice. Give me a break," Sudou said.

"You're the one who's going to regret this later, Sudou."

The Ishizaki's words stopped Sudou in his tracks.

"Nothing's more pathetic than a sore loser. No matter how many times you come at me, you won't win."

The video ended. The curtains moved back to their place letting the sunlight in.

"This video not only proves that Class C provoked Sodou and attacked first, but they didn't even try to defend themselves. Anyone with an ounce of brain would figure out that this was a trap set by Class C, to sabotage us. I rest my case, your honor." I ended like those lawyers from the shows that Karuizawa made me watch.

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