chapter two

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WALKING into the St. Augustine's gym, I look around in awe. Coach Barnes had emailed the team to come in for practice so he could see the team together.

While still summer, it was scorching outside, I was wearing my black Nike Pro shorts with an Under Armor t-shirt that clung to me.

I walked to the bleacher where I saw a couple of girls sitting and waiting for Coach Barnes, talking amongst themselves.

Putting my stuff down I couldn't help but eavesdrop, "Coach said she'd be a good asset to the team so why don't you just suck it up." A girl with tanned skin and curly brunette hair scowled.

"I don't care what he said if she's coming to take my spot on the team, I'm not gonna let her." A blonde-haired girl glared back.

"If you think that you're bad enough to let her take your spot on the team, then maybe you shouldn't be on it, Becca." The brunette shot back and smirked crossing her arms.

I smirked, unpacked my stuff, and started putting my kneepads on still listening, I'm sitting a good distance away so they don't notice that I'm here yet.

"Oh fuck you, Tina!" The blonde-haired girl's face reddens. Yikes...

They stopped talking and turned their heads as the gym door opened and Coach Barnes walked in, with the assistant coach with short blonde hair, I remember seeing her on the school's, volleyball page. I remembered that it was Coach Megan.

They both had on the school merch looking focused as they walked up to us. "Welcome ladies to the beginning of the Volleyball season." Coach Barnes grinned.

Coach Barnes looks around and his eyes land on me and his smile widens.

"We have a new member with us for her senior year, Melanie welcome." He nodded.

I nodded tightly, "Thanks."

I turned my head to see all the other girls staring at me to pick out whether I was a threat or an ally, Tina was the only one who smiled at me.

"Alright, ladies on the court!" Coach Alyssa yelled.

I run onto the court along with 13 other girls.

"We're doing drills, I want up and down full court." Coach Megan states.

I smile slightly. I'm excited.


After practice was over, it was around 5 pm, we were all beat but Coach Barnes called us to the bleachers to talk.

"Alright I know you guys are tired and I'll let you go in a second, but we are making cuts this season" He nods looking around at all of us. "If you wanna stay you gotta work harder guys" He pushes.

Everyone around me tenses.

"Alright get outta here, first day of school tomorrow." He clapped and smirked.

We all groaned.

"Sanchez, stay back for a bit." Coach Barnes stated, looking down at his phone.

I bit my lip, tensing.

All the other girls go to grab their bags and talk to each other. Becca looked back at me glaring.

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