New beginning

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                   Prakriti  Purnima

I hate these social gatherings where people pretend to be happy in other's success for the sake of some favour they might get in return. But no matter how much i dislike, that's how world works and if you want to survive in this race of rats than you must pretend. I won't be saying myself a saint in this crowd of riches but i have my own principles from which i never deviated in order to reach the higher higher position. I have walk on  every path on with my own strength and weakness.

I look around to notice everyone decorated with expensiveness. The Agasti are the one most powerful in the textile industry. They also have dominance in fashion industry. I could see many celebrities and industrialists have attended the event as no one wants to have bitterness with fashion giants. This pre wedding event  of Anant Agasti and Radhika Ukti's  is a two day celebration they organize for all their extended friends and business associates since they want to have very intimate wedding without cameras and media attention.

I am attending today's cocktail event with my grandfather. He is a 82 years old typical indian grandpa with a strict morals of life and a thought that this modernity will wash away our indian culture. He doesn't like events of business world but due to history of friendship between Purnimas and Agastis, he is attending it. He grimace a lot at the theme as he had to leave his dhoti and kurta(traditional Indian clothes) and get into a suit.

We were having conversation with the Mr Manish Agasti, the chairperson of The Agasti Associates and father of Anant. But basically grandfather and Mr Agasti were chatting about the good olden days which barely was in my interest.
My eyes roam around in search for someone, who didn't left my mind for a second from last two days or maybe way before than that. He has committed to meet me today which is looking like a mirage, a beautiful but a illusion. His words had left a mark inside me which giving the hope of a reality that far from my reality. His eyes showed emotions that are rare to me. The way he looked at me and that closeness started a storm inside me which is so dangerous that i wanted to get flow with that. He came to see me, cleaned for me, cooked for me, cared for me and fed me with his hands all these felt surreal that i didn't realise when stream of tears started flowing. The relief i felt when he explained about his daughter was so satisfying, like some one just rebuild the broken hut of mine after a storm.

My thoughts were so engrossed by him that i didn't realise Mr Agasti was saying something to me. "Did you meet Radhika, She is such a kind child. " I try to focus and nodded negatively. I have seen her entering the hall with Anant but i just didn't get the chance to interact. I think i should meet her and congratulate. I look around to spot Radhika.

But i found eyes with the shade of brown which i starting to realise is my favorite. The man who justifies his name to the fullest, Krishnan. He enter the hall in his tailored tuxedo, looking handsome as ever. Confidence oozing out of him as he walk inside the hall. His eyes roam around surrounding, locks at mine when he finds me. Is this the feel that people phrase as butterflies in stomach. This spell get broken when Radhika Ukti approach him. They greet each other. A beautiful smile broke on his face. I know this look of his, the charmer but still uneasiness spread in me. Do they know each other, how he got invited. Mr Agasti follow my line of gaze. He walks away with grandpa while saying something like start the party as soon to be bride has arrived. They took Ms Ukti to the stage where musicians were playing soothing music.

My heart felt heavy. I start to move towards the empty bar corner. "What would you like pretty lady. " Bartender asked. Before i can reply a very familiar voice ordered "A Cantarito mocktail and i don't think flirting with guests was in  criteria of your service." His face all serious, the smile that was there a while ago was gone. Fear visible on bartender's face and he left after apologizing.

Raghav shift his attention to me. His eyes looks different, coveys a sense of danger. "You didn't had to scare him." I comment in order to annoy him like he used to do.

He take a step closure. My heart starts to beat crazily as his eyes looking at me intensely. "If you like that than i can bring him here and apologize, i can do this if you want me to." His voice soft but eyes shows harshness. I remain silent. His expression changes.  He takes a step back, I can see the hurt flash in him. Before he turn back i held his fingers. He look at me trying to read my intentions. Our eyes had their conversation.

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