something broke

22 4 3

                   Prakriti Purnima
"Nikken Sekkie( japan's top architecture company ) is also approaching for the specially abled school deal to the government"
narath informs, i look at the file he place on my table. "It is our finalize proposal, your final review is requires" I hmm in response and starts to check.

"Anything else you want to say Mr Narath" I eyes him, he stands there with closed expression.
"your working hours is already over, your wife is not waiting today. " I comment, He worship the floor  his wife walks on. He refuse to acknowledge anything which doesn't revolve around his work or his wife.

"Mam this is the third consecutive night you are spending in office working till late, it's already 10 pm you need rest" I chuckle at his words, Narath being worried is quite a thing you rarely get to witness. I almost forgot, what it feels when someone is worry for you.  " I am okay. you go, i don't want to see your wife's wrath. " I give him a reassuring smile and he just shakes his head knowing nothing he will say is worth here.
I start to look through the file, anyhow we have to get this deal. Presentation and budget distribution and calculation is all good , team has done a good job. Finally i evaluate the blueprint of school, it is specially designed for the specially abled children who can't see.
Our design is good with smoth curve way and ringing bell on doors, but it's not enough. Creative had very time for this but we will have do more.

Ahhh, we have so little of time left and our competition is more trickier this time. I rub my palm over face, this headache is killing me. This is just a reminder, if i stopped working than everything i have earned will be gone.
I just can't lose, for once i have lost everything but not again, never again.

My phone rings, it's 'Mr arrogant'. Ahh not now, this is not the time for his taunts. i wonder how he always find out i am in worse situation and is ready to make me more annoy.
"Yes Mr krishnan, what is the special occasions since you call me this late at night. " There is silence from other side which is soo unusual. Is this his another trick to irritate me."If there nothing you want to say than good bye "
"Wait, don't end please. My daughter just got her first periods and she has lock herself in her room, she crying nonstop and not letting me help. Please, can you come to my house. I.. "

"You can't fool me, you don't have a daughter"
"I'm not fooling you, it's a emergency please do this favour to me. For this once, help me. I will explain everything later. "
I am in shock, nothing is making sense. I have known him for seven years and for sure he don't have any child. But his voice trembling, i don't remember last time i have seen him this panick. He didn't sound like he is joking.
My rationale side saying me to take a breath and think clearly first but he is in pain and need me is all i can think of right now. "I am on my way" I end the call, take car keys run outside.My steps are hurried.

I step out of car and look at the house which make me realise it's my first time at his home. He open the door before i can knock, might have hear the car sound. He is in trousers and a tshirt contrast of my office suit. His hair messy, must be result of repetitive running of his fingers in hair a habit of his he do a lot when he is in stress or worry. His expression shows how worried he is. He gives me space to enter, i take my time to study the surrounding, his house have a homly feeling unlike mine. There are pictures all over the walls.
I notice one picture which have Raghav, a little girl and a young lady. Each one is smiling with teeths which is reaching to their eyes and realisation hit me hard. My heart start to race, everything making sense to me now. Raghav come in front of me, he is all sweaty, his lashes are wet like he has cried. I have never seen him in such condition, he has been always collected and calm in every meeting even in front of world leaders or world's richest personality. Millions of emotions are running inside me. It pains me see him like this but why i don't know or this is the only reason. I points to door in our left which is decorated with stickers of BTS members and Taylor Swift pictures and posters. He nods and looks at the door and says
"Her name is 'Sweety' and she is 11year old. When i went to pick up her from her karte classes she was all  gloomy when i tried to talk with her but she was not responding anything and just lock herself in her room after coming home. It was very unusual of her, she never behaves like this. I knock on her door many times but all in vein. i tried to talk her through window, after repeated question she told me how she got stains of blood all  over her uniform during her practice and how her batch mates made her dirty, later teacher provided her a sanitary napkin and new uniform. Now she think herself dirty. I  explained her multiple times about menstruation but she is not listening. When she starts crying an hour ago, i become restless. I have never seen her cry this much and felt this helpless. I did't knew what to do than thought maybe a woman can help."

I nod than went to her window  shaw her lying on her her bed, her knees close to her chest. Her cries muffled and distress is clear on her face.
"I think she is having cramps" I told him
"I have study about it in articles and books, they say it's not serious but i am having doubt. I think, i should call doctor or may be a gyneac." Before i can respond, he starts to dial number. I can clearly see how much he loves her and how possessive is he. I shift my attention to the little girl and call her. "Hey sweety!" She turn to face me   her eyes are red from crying.she looks so innocent, and cute. she don't deserve all this pain, in fact no girl deserve but have to go through it.
"You are prakriti, right" Oh she knows me, how odd is that Raghav's girl know me by face and i don't know that he have a daughter.
"Oh yeah, that's me." Her big eyes looking at me with curiosity.
"I saw your posters, they are awesome. " I try to distract her from pain. She doesn't respond. "Are you a 💜army. "
" Yes from age 9" She says, i will have to say She has great taste of music form very young age.
"That's amazing, why don't you open the door so we can have some fangirl talk. Since it's pretty uncomfortable talking through glass window."
"No! I am dirty, and smell. I can't be with anyone for 5 days as thats how long it will last. " I am shocked, who teach this little girl such nonsense. "Can i get to know who told you this, i am girl getting periods from 17 years now, i can tell you what you are saying is not true. Periods are normal, its neither dirty nor smell."she binks her lashes in confusion. I think it's working, she is listening.
" Boys in my class said i am dirty and stink as I'm having periods, they also refuse to have a practice fight with me." I feel furious thinking even today kids are having wrong thought about menstruation and how much lacking is their for sex education.

I look at Raghav, he looks angry but more than that in pain.As much i know He might be blaming himself for this situation which clearly was not in his fault.
"They are wrong sweetheart. you think, Raghav and me are working for years, is there a time he have complaints about me stinking? No right because we don't. On periods completely like a normal person , yes sometimes there's cramps which i try to manage but if it's get too much discomfort than i take a leave." I try to make understand and wash out her wrong learning that she has gain through her bad experience
"If you will open the door we can make some supper plans to teach lesson to those who bullied you"
"I miss you my princess, please open the door" He says
I cross my fingers in hope; there's silence for a minute. I and raghav look at each other, before our last would break door open with a click sound.

He run to her in urgency and pick her up in his arms and showers her with kisses on her cheek and forehead. I can clearly see the 'mamta'(motherly love) in his face. A tear espace his eyes  which she gently wipe out with her soft Tiny hands.
It hit me hard, Raghav is her dad, he have a child with the lady in that photo. My heart ache which is so irrational, i should be happy for him but i am not able to do that. My eyes get filled with tears, knees feels week.i feel too much to handle. I don't know why raghav having family of his own feels so foreign, so discomfort to me. I look at the photo of his wife. she is looks so beautiful, so perfect for him that i can't even myself in her place. Oh god what i am thinking of, fuck i shouldn't be here. I need to leave. I can't have such thoughts. I will have go as soon as possible.

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