Chapter Six

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(Check my message board for my last post for the next update. DO NOT TELL ME TO UPDATE! I do not have to.)

Caius was bouncing in his seat, "You think I can see their weapons?! What about their library?!" he was asking Marcus in excitement.

"What about our mates?" Marcus drawled.

"That too!"

Marcus rolled his eyes in amusement as he pulled his brother out. Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri looked on in confusion (and they looked startled from the angry king's hyperness) until Marcus noticed them, "Call the Cullen spies, Jasper has a mate in the Wizarding World. Before they get angry, tell them I don't know who it is. Call Garrett too."

"Do we?" Demetri hesitantly asked.

"You do," they start to growl, "Ah! What did I say? It was not the right time and I don't know exactly who it is, but I believe they're connected to the Princess."

Immediately the Elite Guard lightened up, excited to see the Princess and all of them getting to see their mates, they hurried off to pack and to call the Cullen spies.


Jasper checked his phone. 'V is calling' is said from Peter. He tapped a ring he wore and saw Rosalie, Emmett, and Alice had noticed and also tapped there's. They were all disguised as wedding rings. Jasper and Alice were not married but posed as one with Alice's mate's permission. They all migrated outside and then Jasper received a phone call, "Jasper speaking," he answered.

"Are you with the others?" Demetri's voice answered.

"I am," Jasper said feeling the disappointment from the others that their mates hadn't answered.

"So Marcus got something from the Princess. Marcus had told us it hadn't been the right time, but some of us mates in a different world where wizards and witches live, it's where the princess who made your rings is from. Aro is from that world which is why is eyes are more of a dark red—I know you all have noticed. He said now was the time and that you, Jasper, would be very happy to take this trip. Garrett is also going on this trip so he will meet us there," Demetri explained.

"Who else is supposedly going to be happy?" Alice asked.

"He wouldn't tell us," Demetri grumbled. The quartet chuckled. They knew while Demetri could be a playboy, he really wanted his mate. They knew it was the same with Jane. They think Felix and Alec have probably annoyed them too much.

"We can say we're on honeymoons," Rosalie suggested. They agreed and touched their rings again. Jasper and Alice did it to show images on what the 'honeymoon' would look like. Rosalie and Emmett did it to plant images of just the two of them and not their third mate. Of course they were doing it to fool Edward.


Artemis was keeping a look out in case a member of the pack decided to approach her after tracking the alpha. Suddenly she's grabbed from behind as the scent of Fenrir invades her nose. He was hugging her. Actually hugging her. "I'm gonna kill that bastard from hurting my pup and the other bastard for keeping my pup away," she heard him grumbling. She scrambled around in the type grip and hugged him just as tight, now feeling her wolf become just as comforted just like when she was with Sirius, but felt there was still one piece missing.

Artemis eventually was able to pull away as she knew he was about to go introduce her and tell the parents of missing pups that Artemis knew where the pups were. She looked up and stopped for a second, trying to get over that her new father looked completely human. "I have an offer from a friend."

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