11 1 0

Achlys: It was I and Phonoi who killed your father, causing his swift demise. And your brothers, they too fell victim to my poison before your confrontation. You are not the one who slew them, but rather the poison coursing through their veins. It worked slowly, claiming their lives as you engaged in battle.

Prometheus: You sorceress! You've poisoned my kin and now seek my demise? No wonder the spilled draught emitted smoke. How could you?!

Achlys: Ding ding ding ding! (laughs)

Prometheus: Witch, I'll end you!

Achlys: I regret to inform you, but you cannot. (laughs) Following Zeus's gift to you, I saw the challenge in dispatching both of you, hence I strategized meticulously. Now, there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Epimetheus: Your reign of terror ends here!

[Achlys is taken aback by Epimetheus's unexpected arrival, which was not part of her scheme.]

Achlys: Epimetheus?

Epimetheus: I've heard all. You're a heartless fiend, responsible for the deaths of my father and brothers!

[Epimetheus and his creations attempt to attack and overpower Achlys, but she emits a piercing scream, knocking them aside.]

[In the midst of the chaos, Hercules intervenes, engaging Achlys in combat. Suddenly, Hercules notices a smirk on Achlys's face. She brandishes a knife and plunges it into his back, causing him to collapse in agony.]

Achlys: Taste my venom, Hercules! If you hadn't interfered, you might still be living your mundane existence. (mockingly)

[She turns her attention to Epimetheus, who lies wounded on the ground, poised to strike.]

Achlys: You're next!

[Achlys brandishes another poisoned knife, poised to deliver a fatal blow.]

Achlys: Die!

[But before she can act, she experiences a sharp pain.]

Achlys: W-what...

[She looks down to see an Inland Taipan snake coiled around her thigh, injecting its venom.]

Epimetheus: That's the most venomous snake in the world, Achlys. Your sole vulnerability is your own creation. Now, meet your end.

[As the venom courses through her veins, Achlys screams in agony until her demise. Hercules's strength returns as Achlys perishes, and he rises to thank Epimetheus.]

[Suddenly, a booming voice resonates through the heavens.]

Zeus: Thank you for saving my son, Epimetheus. As a token of gratitude, name your desire.

[Epimetheus turns to Prometheus, who still awaits the crows' arrival to devour his liver.]

Epimetheus: I beseech you to lift the curse placed upon my brother, Prometheus.

[Dark clouds gather and thunder reverberates across the sky. Eventually, the tumult subsides, yet Prometheus remains suspended from the cliff. Crows begin to descend.]

Epimetheus: Oh no... I thought the curse had been lifted?

[But the crows pass over Prometheus's body.]

Epimetheus: Brother, you are free!

[Epimetheus, along with Hercules, frees Prometheus from his torment.]

Prometheus: T-Thank-

[Suddenly, Epimetheus embraces Prometheus, tears streaming down his cheeks.]

Epimetheus: I should never have doubted you, Brother. I apologize for accusing you of our brother's demise and informing Zeus of your theft when you had a noble purpose.

Zeus: I see the love you hold for your creations, Prometheus. You are a magnificent creator with a noble mission. Now, allow me to return fire to your creations and continue guiding them toward a prosperous existence.

[The fire is reinstated, and jubilation ensues among humans, animals, and all Earth's creations.]

[Where You Are - from Moana plays...]

Make way (x2)
Creations it's time you knew
The God who made you is all you need

The humans are practicing
They dance and celebrate

(We are dancing cause we get all we need)

Prometheus and Epimetheus:
These creations are our mission
And there is so much to do (make way)
Mold each form of care and love, that's all you need
We share everything we make (we make)
We joke, and we weave our baskets (ah-ha!)
The creations come back to see

I wanna see

Prometheus and Epimetheus:
Won't walk away
We promise to stay with you all
Creations will need a God

And there you are

There comes a day
When you're gonna look around

And realize happiness is where you are

Consider us animals
From land and the seas
We choose each part to live, that's all we need

We were made from the mud
Performed a magic inside
Prometheus who gives us fire
We feel warm inside

Consider every creature

The land and the seas

The Greek Gods give us what we need
And no one leaves
That's right, we stay
We're safe, and we're well provided
And when we look to the future, there we are

Prometheus and Epimetheus:
You'll be okay
In time you'll learn just as we did

You must find happiness right where you are!

[Song exits]


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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