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[A morning dawns, and Prometheus awaits the inevitable return of the crows to feast upon his regenerating liver. Suddenly, a voice echoes from above.]

Achlys: Oh, dear Prometheus... What has become of you?

Prometheus: And who might you be?

Achlys: I am your stepmother, the caretaker of your father in days of yore. Do you not recall?

[Hearing those words made Prometheus sick to his stomach. Despite his inner turmoil, Prometheus maintains his composure.]

Prometheus: What is your purpose here?

Achlys: I have heard of your curse and felt compelled to check on my stepson.

Prometheus: You can offer me naught. Begone!

Achlys: What if I were to claim I possess the means to break the curse?

[Prometheus's interest is piqued.]

Prometheus: How so?

[Achlys wears a smug grin.]

Achlys: Consume this elixir composed of lemon juice, spices, and a dash of my magic. It shall deceive the crows into believing your liver is inedible. Once done, I shall release you, and we may begin anew, for I am the sole ally you possess.

[Contemplating the loss of his family and the looming enmity of Epimetheus, Prometheus considers the offer.]

[Before he can partake, an arrow shatters the bottle, causing the liquid to spill and emit smoke upon contact with the ground.]

Achlys: Hercules...

Hercules: (grinning) Surprise, grandmother.

Prometheus: Grandmother? What treachery is this?

Hercules: That sorceress poisoned me, claiming kinship and offering a draught to augment my strength. Greed led me to imbibe, only to find myself weakened. She deceived me and sapped my vigor!

[Achlys's frown transforms into laughter.]

Achlys: Haha! You have uncovered my ruse.

Prometheus: What do you mean?


Iapetus: You ought to join us now that your mother has passed, Prometheus. My nation eagerly awaits your presence alongside Epimetheus.

Prometheus: You allowed my mother's demise. Why presume I would heed your directives?

Iapetus: I am your father. Duty compels you to comply with my wishes.

Prometheus: Since your departure, I no longer regard you as my father.

Iapetus: You are my offspring, and forever shall remain, Prometheus. I offer you a life of prosperity, renown, and a realm to govern. All this I shall bestow upon you.

Prometheus: Then, can you resurrect my mother?

Iapetus: Your mother took her own life. Only through the hand of another could she be revived, as you well know.

Prometheus: Then the answer is no. We shall not accompany you.

Iapetus: You cannot make decisions for your brother!

Prometheus: I am fully capable.

Iapetus: Do you believe you can safeguard him and provide for his every need?

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