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Themis: My dear, I implore you to reconsider!

Iapetus: I've grown weary of this, Themis!

Themis: No! Your discontent stems from another woman's influence! Stay with us, for our family needs you!

Iapetus: I shall depart, taking my children with me to forge our own destiny.

Themis: I forbid it!

[Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menoetius, and Atlas overhear their parents' heated exchange.]

Prometheus: Father... Mother... What turmoil is this?

Iapetus: All of you shall accompany me henceforth.

Epimetheus: Whither do we journey, Father?

Themis: I implore you, Iapetus, do not proceed.

Menoetius: Shall Mother not join us, Father?

Iapetus: We shall fare well, my son.

Themis: I shall bring an end to my existence should you depart, Iapetus.

Atlas: Mother, such words do not befit you...

Prometheus: Can we not reconcile this discord?

Epimetheus: We shall not accompany you, Father.

Prometheus: Indeed, for you cannot abandon us thus.

Iapetus: If you choose not to accompany me, so be it. I depart nonetheless.

[Iapetus exits without casting a backward glance. Menoetius and Atlas follow him.]

[Evening falls. Themis, overwhelmed by events, takes drastic action. Unbeknownst to her, Prometheus overhears the commotion, but he arrives too late.]

[Frozen II: Show Yourself plays...]

Every inch of me is trembling
But not from the cold
Something in me is missing
Like a dream I could reach but not quite hold

We were so happy then
Like a friend I've always known
Now you left me
I feel like I'm not home

I have always been a fortress
Cold secrets deep inside
You've made mistakes too
But you don't have to leave

Show yourself
You have kids who need you
Show yourself
I need you

If she's the one you are choosing
I'll end my own life
Show yourself
Take my heart with you

[Song exits]

Prometheus: Mother!

Themis: P-Prometheus, my dear...

Prometheus: Stay with me. We must summon aid!

[His mother clings to him, restraining him from leaving.]

[Coco OST: Remember Me plays...]
Remember this
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don't let it make you cry
For even I'm far away
I'll love you in my heart
Take care of your brothers too
And please don't break apart

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