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[ Love is an Open Door – from Frozen I plays... ]

MISANTHROPE: Can I just say something crazy?

All my life has been a series of joy and grace
And daily I ran into these ~
I've been serving everyday to please the God Zeus
And the birds keep chirping flying
While they're in blue skies

Oh, this world ~ (2x)
I found my place
No one will ever compare to you ~
Our world is all I adore ~ (3x)
With you (4x)
Our world is all I ado-

[ Song Ends ]

[The scene opens with two humans, one nursing a snakebite, and the other tending to their companion.]

Misanthrope: (grimacing in pain) Ah, the serpent hath struck me!

Snake: SssSSsssss

Elora: (alarmed) Pray tell, are you injured?

Misanthrope: Verily, the serpent hath bitten my hand!

Elora: (concerned) 'Tis a grievous wound indeed. Let us attend to it anon. Follow me.

[Elora tends to the wound with herbs, but despite their efforts, the condition of Misanthrope deteriorates.]

Misanthrope: (struggling to speak) I-i find it difficult to draw breath...

Elora: (worried) This doth not bode well. Hold fast, I shall summon Prometheus for aid.

[Into the Unknown – from Frozen II plays...]

Elora: Oh Oh Oh Oh... (4x)

[Song exits]

[Prometheus Enters]

Prometheus: What brings thee to seek my counsel?

Elora: We beseech thy aid. Misanthrope had fallen victim to a serpent's bite.

Prometheus: What?!

Misanthrope: (weakly) Prometheus...

Prometheus: How did this come to harm?

Misanthrope: I w-was merely stroking the serpent...

Elora: Her condition got worsen, Prometheus. She had grown feeble.

Prometheus: Are you using these herbs for her treatment?

Elora: Aye, Prometheus.

Prometheus: Boil them in the waters of yonder river. Thus shall she find relief.

Elora: As thou commandest.

Prometheus: I shall away for a time. I must consult with Epimetheus on this matter.


[The stage is set with two statues, one representing Prometheus and the other representing Epimetheus. Prometheus enters, stern-faced.]

Epimetheus: Ah, brother! It's a rare occasion to see you grace my abode.

Prometheus: I've not come for leisure, Epimetheus.

Epimetheus: Why so somber, brother?

Prometheus: Your creations pose a grave danger!

Epimetheus: Pardon?

Prometheus: One of my creations teeters between life and death, victim to a snake's venom!

Epimetheus: And yet, why does blame befall the serpent?

Prometheus: Is it not the serpent's doing, Epimetheus?

Epimetheus: Perhaps your creation provoked it, sensing danger.

Prometheus: Absurd! Can you not see the gravity of the situation?

Epimetheus: Do I appear jesting? I fashioned these beings; I understand their nature. The serpent acted out of perceived threat.

Prometheus: But my creation faces the greater peril!

Epimetheus: Administer herbs; it shall recover. No need for alarm.

[Prometheus seizes Epimetheus by the collar, tension palpable.]

Prometheus: Should it perish by your creation's hand, mark this as a start of war between the two of us.

Epimetheus: Surely, you don't mean that, brother.

Prometheus: Try me.

[Prometheus departs, returning to the side of Elora and Misanthrope.]

[Prometheus stands in distress as Elora approaches.]

Prometheus: Is she—

Elora: Prometheus!

Prometheus: Why the tears, Elora?

Elora: I followed your directive, fetching water from the river. But upon my return, Misanthrope lay lifeless!

[Prometheus rushes to Misanthrope's side, checking for signs of life.]

[With a heavy heart, he finds no pulse, no breath.]

Prometheus: No... No... No!

[His anguished cries reverberate through the town, stirring the populace. Yet, instead of succumbing to rage, he feels a profound sense of helplessness wash over him.]

[In an instant, Prometheus relives every moment, every decision, with crushing clarity.]

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