Chapter V - The Face of Evil

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After regrouping at the Shadow Wood camp, Knight Commander Grunth's legion returned to the Royal City, Vincia. The Commander personally returned the mildly damaged stolen heirloom and reported the results of the mission to the Lord and Lady Galier. Krysté, having finished her obligations in Vincia, longed to return to her previous post but was invited out with the rest of Grunth's legion to the Hanging Man Tavern to celebrate the mission's success.

The Elf strolled up to the entrance, examining the shabby exterior before scoffing and pushing past its doors. The Knights cheered at her arrival, many of them evidently tipsy.

Vana spotted Krysté across the room and excused herself from the Commander's table, walking over with a pint in hand. She squealed, nearly tripping as she made her way over. "Krysté, you made it! I didn't think you'd come!"

"I just came to say my farewells." Said Krysté. "I'm not one for drinks."

"Oh, sure you are!" Vana nudged her. "Go on, have a sip."

Krysté glanced at the pint of beer, then at Vana.

"Don't be shy! Drink! Drink! Drink!" Vana chanted, the other Knights joining in until the whole tavern was chanting.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" The Knights banged on wooden tables while chanting. Krysté felt the gaze of the entire legion upon her.

She scowled, then yanked the pint from Vana, downing it to the hollers of the crowd. Krysté handed back an empty pint, then belched, falling a step back.

"Woah, easy there!" Vana threw an arm around Krysté. "I didn't say you had to down the whole thing, you nut!"

Krysté wiped the beer from her lips. "It tasted of horse urine!"

Vana laughed. "Come along, I'll fetch us a table."

The duo of Elven ladies carried on to an empty table and the other Knights returned to their drinks and dirty jokes. Krysté removed her greatsword from her back, setting it against the wall as she took her seat. "Dame Krysté, it's such a pleasure to see you! I thought as soon as the task was finished you'd disappear on me." Said Vana as she dusted off her chair and settled in.

"We're off duty." Krysté reminded her Elven counterpart. "It's just Krysté."

"Of course. Then, while we're off duty, you may call me Éloria."

Krysté nodded. "So you haven't lost your Elven heritage quite yet, it seems."

Éloria giggled. "There you go again with that. You know, I've nothing against my Elven lineage. Twas the Kristenalians, the Humes, who embraced me once my own home was destroyed. They welcomed me into their city, into their army. I see no reason not to accept their culture, the same as they have accepted me."

"How fortunate for you." Krysté snarled. "Not all Elves were so lucky."

"And that is why we fight, no?" Éloria asked.

"No." Krysté stared off.

Éloria crossed her arms, sitting back in her chair. "Okay then. Why is it that you fight?"

"To end the demons. To restore the world. To rebuild what was lost." Krysté shot back.

"Mmm, big goals, but noble." Said Éloria. "Oh, forgive me. It seems we've no drinks! Maiden!" She called out to a working tavern wench. The Elf retrieved gold coins from a sack and dropped them on the table. "Two Grajan Ales, thank you!"

The tavern wench smiled, nodded, then turned and walked over to the bar.

"You know, all your talk of saving the world. You're like something out of the old legends." Éloria giggled.

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