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His full name: Cole Brookstone

his b-day: May 16th on 1996

zodiac: Taurus

Age: 28 going on 29

His fav color: Black

Sexualaity: Gay

pets: none

Crush/who hes dating: he has a crush on Kai

His personalitly type:  calm, caring, down-to-earth, foodie(can that be a personalitly trait?), loving, looks like can kill you is a cinomonroll, big softy.

his way of showing love: Physical touch, and words

His element: Earth


What he looks like:

Hair: long black hair

Eyes: forest green eyes

Hight: 6"5

Body type: Buff cuz of his elemental power, but he is just naturally more strong.

Skin color: Dark tan


What the ninja call him: (and does he like it)

Nya: Rocky, cole.

(he's fine with them)

 Kai: Rocks-for-brains, Rocky.

(he's ok with it cuz he likes Kai.)

Delilah: Cole, Rocky, earthquake.

(he's cool with them. Him and Delilah are close, so they are fine with most names)

Lloyd: Cole, Rock.

(hes fine with them)

jay: Every single nickname ever. He only sometimes calls him by his name if hes worried about him.

(hes ok with most of them)

Zane: Cole

(its his name so)

Wu: Cole, Student

(he's fine with them)


Some things he likes: Video games, Kai, cake, the team, sleeping (me too Cole. Me too), music (me too Cole. Me too), making his dad proud, the earth (lol), hugs.

Some things he dislikes: Failing others, death of his loved ones, no cake, rejection. 

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