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Lando's POV

I felt pretty good about that panel. Especially after seeing that gorgeous interviewer holy fuck.

I actually got up the courage to go and talk with her.

And of course, she was obsessed with me.

After some time talking with eachother she grabbed my hand and was leading me some place else with her eye brow raised.

Holy fuck.

We both started running towards the conference room thinking this would be a quiet place.

And we pass by this man who looked awfully familiar but I didn't think much of it.

"Ok just let me look in to see if anyone's in here ok?"

"Mhm." She mumbles back.

I creaked open the door not initially seeing anyone.

Why was the floor red?

I step around to see my new teammate hunched over and hyperventilating.

"Lacy? Oh my- fuck Lacy what the hell happened?" I rush down to her and try to help her up.

She clenches onto my sweater as I try to process what could have happened.

She cups her hand over her nose trying to stop the bleeding.

I ached to see her like this I wanted to stop her crying and hold her.

Shit. I just remembered who I left in the hallway.

"Lacy just- wait I'll be right back I promise." I say hoping to be back as quick as I can.

She grabs my sweatshirt tighter with even more desperation.

She lets out a blood curling yet soft cry "Please Lando don't leave me."

My eyes widen as I stroke her arm gently and whisper to her, "Lacy I promise."

Her grasp loosens but she continues to cry.

I sprint out of the room and grab onto the brunette interviewer's shoulder.

"What the hell took you so long?" She says with a disgusted expression.

"Listen..." it just hits me that I don't even know this girls name. "Yea listen... darling... um I don't think we sh"

She interrupts me, "whatever I wasn't even that interested anyways." She says with an eye roll before walking away.

Yea I'd beg to differ but anyways.

I race back into the conference room trying to help Lacy up off the floor.

The bleeding isn't stopping and how the hell is there no tissues in this entire room.

I take off my sweatshirt and hold the sleeve to her nose but she shakes her head no.

"Lacy you need to stop the bleeding." I persist.

"No please it hurts too much I can't even touch my nose." She says through tears.

"Come on Lacy do it for me please doll." I say as she leans on my arm for balance.

She uses my sweater to finally stop the bleeding.

A familiar blonde enters the room.

He's looking down at his phone, "Hey Lace I swear I just saw Dan out in the hall but I haven't seen him in a while so I wasn't really..." he looks up dumbfounded.

Wait Dan did this to her?

No it couldn't have been him I knew he was agressive but I didn't think he'd ever hit her.

Just as he's about to turn out of the room Lacy says in a low tone, "Liam. Don't."

"Lacy I swear- "

"No Liam I swear. It's only going to make matters worse. Just make sure he's gone please I need to find a bandage or something please."

Fuck. So it was him.

Why is he suck a dick and why would Lacy be with him?

I've wondered that since the day I saw him drop her off at McLaren's head office.

After he drove off I saw him flirt with some other lady who was walking into the building.

Lord what an ass.

"Ok let's take you to the team doctor we'll get you fixed up alright." I say in a soft voice to Lacy as I rub her back.

She smiles.

She actually smiled at me. I forgot how bright her smile is I swear.

As we walk down the hall I notice one of our social media managers pass by us eyes wide.

"Oh my lord Lacy she yells quietly. What the hell happened?"

Without hesitation she says "oh I accidentally ran into a wall which might seem like a lame excuse but I'm really clumsy I promise." She says with a fake smile.

"Lacy people are going to think things." Our manager cries.

I give her a confused expression.

"Lacy you're a woman in motorsports people are going to critique the hell out of you and conspire against you."

"As if I already know that dipshit." Lacy rolls her eyes.

Liam and I are caught off guard by her sarcasm but proud of her for sticking up for herself.

"Lacy what I'm trying to say is people are going to think you got plastic surgery. A nose job. With all the bandages people are going to come up with ideas." She explains.

"What??" Liam scoffs.

"Yes so we're going to come up with a little PR thing to have you two do," she points to Lacy and I "play soccer or something and she'll get hit in the face and we'll make it seem like you got hurt there." Our stupid media manager says.

"So I've got my camera here actually so just stand up against the wall and I'll crop the background later and we'll figure out the details later. Just look happy Lacy."

Lacy doesn't even say a word back.

You can just see it in her eyes that she wants to get out of here.

"Listen... Sarah," Liam says while reading the managers name tag, "please and respectfully shut the hell up. Lacy is clearly hurt and has lost a lot of blood and needs a god damn medic." Liam yells in her face.

"Liam please just let Sarah take her fucking pictures and we'll move on." Lacy says stumbling to stand near the wall.

I go to help her afraid that she will fall but she manages.

She hands me my sweater seeping in blood.

The flashes start and Lacy pretends to laugh as Sarah zooms the camera over her bloody face.

After a series of flashes Lacy looks completely out of it.

I intervene and grab her arm, "we're leaving."

I notice a figure in the mirror on the wall.

Wait that's the man that I had passed by earlier.

I look over at Liam and then it hits me.

Shit Dan's still here.

Lacy, Oh LacyWhere stories live. Discover now