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(Please read! Or don't it's up to you💀)

Hey readers!

I know that you were all probably expecting a new chapter. Obviously this isn't the case.

I started writing eyes around us with no actual goal if that makes sense. I had come up with a prompt for a story and started writing not really knowing where I planned to go with this.

I started getting a lot of support as I published chapters. I'm extremely grateful for all of it and it's still surreal to me that I have over 2k reads on my first book. Though it might not seem like a big achievement for some, it is for me. I wanted to thank you all for all the support.

Now moving on to what I originally wanted to say. I don't really like making announcements chapters in the middle of a book but I found it necessary.

I've decided to take a break from updating Eyes Around Us. I know a lot of people liked the book and I really enjoyed writing it. I just haven't been able to figure out where i'm going with this.

I had already planned out the ending the moment I began writing it but theres just this big space between the last chapter and the ending. I have no idea how i'll fill it.

I don't know when i'll pick it up again but I do know that if I do, i'll have to revise a lot of aspects in the story.

I do still have one more draft from Eyes Around Us that i'll publish but for an undetermined time this book will be left untouched.

However am thinking of starting a new story. I don't have the full idea yet but it will come to me pretty soon. I have a few title ideas though.

I'm excited for it and hopefully when it comes out you all will like it just as much as you did Eyes Around Us.

When or If I do start publishing on Eyes Around Us I will be deleting this chapter solely because by then it wont be necessary and also it's not aesthetically pleading and consistent.

That's all for now! Also thank you for thanking the time to read this even though I know some people aren't very fond of announcement chapters.

Byee xx

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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