Chpt. 1 - Sick Aim

Start from the beginning

It was a band playing, opening for them. They weren't bad at all. Actually, they were damn good.

The band watched until the end of their show, Lillith urging then to get backstage and get ready to perform.

The group of women made their way to the curtain of the stage. Mandy picked up her drumsticks quickly, accidentally dropping one of them. As the drumstick rolled away from her she sighed, not feeling up to chasing her drumsticks.

As she watched it roll it came to an abrupt stop from someone's shoe. As her gaze rose up to the person's face, she recognized him.

It was the drummer from the band that just played.

He bent down and picked up her drumsticks, taking strides up to her.

"Here you are." He said, smiling at her.

She pursed her lips together, trying to form a 'thank you' with her expression.

Before he could say anything else, Donna grabbed Mandy's arm, pulling her towards the curtain.

"You can flirt later, we have a show." Donna said, Mandy scoffing.

"I didn't even talk to him, shut up." Mandy defended, rolling her eyes and pulling her arm away from the blonde.

Mandy got behind the drum kit, giving it a few test hits before Lillith got her attention.

"Please don't throw the kit, okay?" She said, genuinely meaning it.

"Whatever." Mandy answered, fidgeting with her gold necklace that had the letter 'M' on it.

The reason Lillith felt the need to say that was because in their last show that's exactly what happened. Mandy was always terrible with her anger. Even as a kid she'd had crazy temper tantrums and had her mother called frequently for fights at school. She never started a fight but she sure as hell finished one. She convinced herself it was something to grow out of but even today her anger got the better of her.

"No seriously, this isn't our kit." Maxine pitched in, slinging her guitar over her body.

"Also, the press doesn't need more evidence to label you as mentally insane." Donna added, mimicking the same thing Maxine did but with her bass.

Mandy sighed, stopping the vulgar insult she really wanted to throw at them. They were only trying to help. She chewed at her lip and looked away, feeling a little guilty about what her initial reaction was going to be. She felt bad they had to deal with the aftermath of her anger. It happened too many times.

The time she cursed out their manager for changing their lyrics. The time she was inches away from decking a venue holder in the face for saying something she didn't like, or the situation that happened recently about 3 weeks ago when she threw a drum at the guitarist of the band, Cursed Girls, Roxanne Ligne's forehead after a snarky remark she had made about Lillith.

Before she could say anything the curtain opened without any queue, catching the whole band off guard as the crowd cheered and roared at their appearance. Rolling with the punches, Maxine grabs hold of the mic.

"Hi!" She greeted the crowd, sounding a little dorky.

Mandy chuckled at her as Lillith shooed her away from the microphone. Mandy then took that as a signal to start. She hit her drumsticks four times before hitting the sticks onto the drums, and soloing for a couple seconds until the guitar and bass jumped in on queue.

"Blue skies, One eye I sleep with, but I'm too high to cry in the depths of it," Lilith sang. "She would knock on every type of wood, just for something good to come."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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