With that, she began rolling up her weed. Once she was done she took two long drags and then offered it to Aiza,

"Oh, you smoking now?" Asia said in reply to Aiza taking two puffs.

"you got me on this!" she gently hit her friends shoulder.

Aiza started to remember how she used to feel about weed and how much she resented it, she almost felt sick seeing herself smoking now. The first time she tried weed she was pressured, she didn't like the fact the pressure stuck with her because she's on her couch with the same girl who pressured her smoking the same thing she refused.

The two laughed together and kept smoking until the blunt burned out.

Aiza started to like the feeling, maybe it's because she wasn't forced this time. It felt like everything was blurred out, she could still feel everything but it was just less prominent. Like someone was swatting away every emotion or problem she had on her mind.


"Shit my dad just texted." Asia began to get her bag.

She didn't speak but watched, lazily as her friend used some eye drops.

"Alright text me when you get home." her eyes continued to watch her friend leave.

"I'm so fucking tired.." she whispered to herself and rubbed her eyes.

Walking upstairs she looked to her desk and just saw her gun, strange because she didn't remember moving it from her closet.

That's when the sound replayed, of the window opening. Her heightened reflexes made her turn around and point the gun with two hands at...


He put his hands up in a guilty manner,

"Chill out mami."

Her high made her extra paranoid so she kept the gun pointed at him. He didn't seem to take it seriously, he still had that same smirk he always had.

He stepped closer to her and used his hand to lower the gun, pointing it at the floor.

"You wouldn't shoot me." Miles kissed her neck, pulling her closer.

With Miles it was all a game, he knew that she would weakly give into to him and that way, she wouldn't shoot him.

"You high?" His voice had a sultry undertone.

"Mhm." Aiza stared at his eyes.

"Thought it wasn't for you?" he lowly chuckled.

"Changed my mind." She stepped back, turning to put her gun back in her closet.

"You'd make some badass villain with that gun." He sat down on her vanity chair.

"Yeah? Like the prowler or something?" She shut her closet doors and faced him.

"Yeah." like him.

"Hate the motherfucker." of course she did.


"Sure he hates you too." He leaned back.

The fuck does that mean, she thought.

"Nah he loves me." With the way he keeps appearing he probably does.

Miles chuckled, the way she guessed it so accurately was kinda chilling.

"You coming to my party tomorrow?" She asked.

"Wouldn't miss it."

Before Aiza could speak, Miles got a text.

1 notification from, Uncle Aaron.
Come home, it's important.

"sorry ma, i gotta go." He stood up.

"You can use the front door my mom's gone but why you always leaving so quick?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows together.

"i'm all yours tomorrow." Aiza liked the sound of that.

"okay, bye." she said, satisfied.

"bye." he exited.

Aiza was so goddamn crazy for him it was unhealthy but he was such a manipulative bitch... but also so fine. What does someone do when they're crazy over someone but not sure if it's good for them?...

A pros and cons list.

So she spent the next 15 minutes at her vanity, scribbling down random thoughts on a loose piece of paper. Once she got bored of writing she put the pen down and read it in her head.


-hot asf
-wants me???? wait i'm being delusional
-smells good (i need help)

-thinks kissing me will solve world hunger
-annoying (it's kinda cute though)
-doesn't answer me when i ask a question
-basically cheated on me 🚩
-cheated on me and acts like it never happened
-wasn't scared when i pointed a gun at him?

7 pros, 7 cons.

She was annoyed at this point, she just went to bed so she could reevaluate in the morning.


ALSO sorry if Aiza's a little annoying that's kinda the point she's supposed to be kinda weak but she's gonna GROWW and also Miles is supposed to be annoying.

word count: 1290


BURNT OUT | Miles Morales (e42) |Where stories live. Discover now