That's it, the apology. He heard that.

"I meant that nothing in my life is normal. No one is. But you are the most normal person in my life. And that's something I've been needing for a long time. I didn't know it, until you came along. I just couldn't understand why someone so wonderfully normal would choose to be around me."

He does think she's normal. But he... loves her for that?

"You are remarkable, Lily Marlow, just in a way I've never seen before." Remarkably normal. But in no way did that sound like she was inferior. She frowned. He's trying to hurt her trust in him. Why?

"Never thought about that?" he says. "And he knew you would be in danger, didn't he? And yet here you are."

Because I stayed. Because I wanted to. "I could leave, if that would help."

He laughs. "You're very funny, but I need you here. You're the center of it all."

"Oh, I'm so excited."

"I'm not a fan of this sarcastic streak."

"And that's why I'm keeping it up."

There's talking outside, a car on the road. He turns his head to the window, and a large grin grows across his face. "Here he comes now. Let's see if he's a fan of it, shall we?" He grabs her by the arm, taking out his gun. He points it right at her head.

Footsteps sound on the ground floor, floorboards creaking and threatening to give way. Lily looks down as they run inside, Sherlock, John, Lestrade — and Liam? Lily can only look at him with wide eyes, trying not to betray her rising panic. This is just getting worse and worse.

Sherlock's red eyes meet hers. She's never seen him so pale.

He laughs again, seeing the guns trained on him. "Oh, you've brought an audience!"

"Drop the gun!" Lestrade shouts.

"No, actually-"

"Let her go!" Liam screams. John holds out his free hand to stop him.

His eyes drift to Liam. "Oh, what a devoted brother. Tell me, were you aware that Sherlock knew this would happen?"

Liam's eyes flash with rage and turn to Sherlock. Sherlock's expression doesn't change, but he looks to the man now. "She has nothing to do with this."

"She has everything to do with this," he argues. "But forgive me. I've skipped the introductions. It's so very nice to actually meet you, Mr. Holmes."

"I can't say I return the sentiment."

He waves this off. "No matter. But I bet it's all going through your head right now. Those two years of going through Moriarty's entire organization. But who could you have missed?"

Sherlock is silent, glaring eyes scanning the man's face.

"Let me help you. I was the one James sent in when he couldn't get his hands dirty. I was the one who planted and hacked and killed. I was the one who would inherit his empire."

Sherlock's brow twitches.

"Do you remember? I was very clever. I'm sure you didn't think I really existed. I took special care to keep my name secret, to stay hidden — just until I was the boss. And then everyone could know, and no one could touch me, not even you. But tell me, Sherlock, does the name Moran mean anything to you?"

Recognition crosses Sherlock's face. "A code name."

"No, no code name. My name. Sebastian Moran, actually. Not that you'll be able to tell anyone — but they will know." He laughs, absolutely giddy. "What's in a name? You know, I had such a time borrowing from everybody that I had to start reusing some. I hope you'll forgive the lack of a challenge. But we were getting down to the wire and I really needed to get you here."

The Baker's Detectiveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें