My Girl's in The Next Room 💀

Start from the beginning

"Hi, honey." He smiled, grabbing her arm to steady her when she nearly fell over. "You having fun?" He asked.

"So much fun!" She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. "I have to do some photos with the girlies really quick, but I will be right back!"

Jake watched her disappear back into the crowd, and sighed. This is why he never went to events or parties with her, he always got left alone or ignored. He usually ended up talking to staff or people who worked for the influencers because they were the only ones who weren't insufferable.

He's met a couple of content creators that were pretty cool, but sadly those people did not run in Janette's circle so he only saw them at events like vidcon which he thankfully has only had to go to once since his touring schedule usually never lined up.

Sometimes Jake wondered why he put up with this. Sure, he cared about Janette, and liked being in a relationship with her, but some days, the pros seemed insignificant compared to the cons.

Jake downed the rest of his whiskey and decided to go look for a bathroom to hide in for a while.

He wandered out of the main room and down a hallway until he saw the sign for the men's room. He slipped inside and went into the disabled stall. It was a ridiculously ornate bathroom with a literal couch in the stall. Why that was there, Jake didn't want to know.

He sat down on the loveseat styled couch, and pulled out his phone, scrolling through Instagram and ignoring the ten thousand stories Janette has posted already.

He purposefully ignored those posts, deciding to click on the one after that- a buddy of his that used to tech for them- before he started mindlessly clicking through stories.

Just when he was about to close the app, a selfie of Andy laying in bed with his cat on top of him and nearly smothering his face popped up.

"Late night cuddles(possible murder attempt) with Crow"

Jake held his finger down on the story so it wouldn't automatically move on to the next one, staring at the frontman of his band- if there was even a band left at this point.

Things had been... difficult in the band for the last few years. The once rock solid bond between the band was now so strained that Jake wasn't sure it would ever be fixed. Jake still talked to Jinxx fairly regularly, and talked to CC whenever he could, but he didn't really talk to Andy all that much outside of work stuff(their bassist was not someone he cared to associate with on any capacity so there was no point in even acknowledging his existence).

Jake had tried to convince himself that with all the drama and heartache surrounding the band, it was just easier to not talk to Andy. Black Veil was his baby. Andy had built it from the ground up when he was a literal child, sure, it was all of their band, but BVB was Andy's first. He told himself that he couldn't really be there for Andy in any capacity that he needed him to be, so it was just easier to keep things professional and see him at a solo show whenever he played in Los Angeles.

That wasn't entirely true though.

Jake thought back to one fateful night in Europe, 2014.

Jake walked out of his hotel room bathroom, freshly showered and relaxed after a long day. He laughed to himself when he nearly tripped over a shoe that he had apparently left in the middle of the floor after he changed. The show had gone great so the guys decided to go to a local bar to celebrate.

Jake left earlier than the rest of the group, wanting to get some sleep. He wasn't much of the partying time anymore.

He had cut back a lot on drinking and started working out a lot more, but a few drinks with his bandmates wouldn't hurt. It was nice, and getting back to his room to watch and show and then shower was great too.

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