Warped Tour = Heat strokes 🥺

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"Even when I fall down to my knees, I've never said a prayer I don't believe!" Andy sang, pointing his microphone towards the crowd to finish the rest of the words, a smile spreading across his face as they belted the words out.

It was one-hundred and twelve degrees farenheit outside, and that wasn't even an exaggeration. People's shoes were literally melting on the pavement, but Warped tour played on as usual, the weather never stopped them... much to the bands detriment.

Specifically Andy's detriment at the moment.

Sweat was pouring off of the singer as he walked around the stage, his head pounding painfully. It felt like he was having the absolute worst hangover ever despite the fact that he hadn't drank.

Andy was having trouble remembering the words to Faithless, so he mostly sang the parts he could recall, and relied on the fans for the rest.

God, he felt so sick, and dizzy. He didn't know what was going on with him.

Andy looked pale- more so than usual- and was acting odd on stage.

"What's wrong with Drew?" Yanni asked from side stage, his brows furrowed in concern as he watched the singer practically hold himself up with the mic stand.

"Is he drunk?" Jon asked, tilting his head to the side. Though that wasn't usually how Andy acted when intoxicated.

"No, he hasn't drank in a few days." Yanni replied. Nearly running out on stage when the singer suddenly swayed like he was about to pass out, but he seemed to steady himself.

Andy caught the body guard's clearly concerned eyes, and shook his head. "I'm fine." He mouthed, though he believed that about as much as Yanni seemed to when he rolled his eyes at him.

Jake began playing the solo of Faithless, feeling Andy throw an arm around his shoulder and lean into his side heavily. He glanced over at him, about to shove him off and tell him ita too hot for that, but then he actually looked at him.

Andy looked like death warmed over. His skin was clammy, and his eyes were unfocused as he tried to keep his head upright.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jake asked in concern, hoping Andy's mic didn't pick up his voice.

"I'm fine." Andy repeated, pushing himself off of the guitarist to walk across the stage.

Jake glanced off stage at Jon and Yanni, and based on their faces, they were seeing this as well.

"We're stopping the show." Yanni said, turning to the stage manager that worked for Warped who looked back at the large, muscular man nervously.

"Well sir, I don't think we can do th-." He started to say, but gasps and screams from the audience that was clearly not cheers of adoration interrupted him.

The three men turned around to see Andy struggling to stand from where he sat on his knees.

Jake ripped his guitar off, and sat it down before he ran over to the singer, pulling him to his feet, wrapping his arm around his waist to help him off the stage.

"Get a medic, now." Yanni growled,going to Andy's other side to help steady him as well.
"What's wrong, Drew?" He asked gently.

"Dunno." He mumbled, his head lolling to the side. "I think I just got over heated." He said, his words slurring alarmingly so.

Two EMTs ran over, gesturing for the men to follow them towards the med tent. "I'm fi-." Andy started to say, but Jake cut him off.

"If you say you're fine one more time, I will knock you on your ass." He huffed. Andy's skin radiated heat like a furnace, far more than what should be normal.

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