"Holy crap this place is bigger than my will to live." Olivia laughs walking into the house behind Bobby and Buck. "I'm not even gonna laugh at that." Bobby shakes his head before making his way to help. "Connor? Nine one ones here open the door now." The man says talking through the bathroom door. "Step aside sir, Connor? Los Angeles fire department we cant help you if you don't open the door. Connor I don't want to have to break this door down." Bobby mentions breaking the door down and Conor unlocks it allowing them in. "Can you tell me what you're feeling? Olivia asks stood in the bathroom. "Somethings happening it's like..the worst cramping pressure feeling that i've ever experienced, it's like i'm gonna give birth or something." Connor explains as his boyfriend scoffs. "Oh Stop it, we had sushi tonight, he always orders the omakase but he can't handle anyone telling him what to do so he orders more. You just have an upset stomach." The boyfriend says making Connor annoyed. "If you tell me I have a stomachache one more time i'm gonna stab you with your toothbrush ." Connor shouts making Olivia laugh. "I swear I felt it moving, okay? I felt something moving." Connor tells Bobby looking at him. "How long have you been having the cramps?" Bobby asks him as Connor leans forward holding his stomach. "Uh, about a week. Yeah I made a doctors appointment for Friday." Connor says furrowing his brows. "Any other symptoms?" Olivia questions looking at him. "No." He replies quickly. "Oh he's been having a lot of gas." His boyfriend says catching Connor off guard. "Shut up!" Connor shouts Olivia and Buck smirk at eachother trying not to laugh. "You have! I mean it kind of builds like an overturn then there's a nice little tuba solo. It's a tremendous amount of horrible flatulence." The boyfriend Paul explains making Connor glare even more. "Paul!" Connor whispers shouts. "Okay just lean back let me have a look." Bobby says touching his stomach. "You guys eat a lot of sushi?" Buck questions looking at Paul. "He does, about for it five times a week." Paul exposes Connor. "I try to go carb and fat free as often as possible." Connor tells them. "Oh same here, you guys ever try the brown rice pasta? You know it's not that bad." Buck asks defending the food. "I agree it's actually good." Olivia nods. "You know it's a little gummy for my taste." Connor says whilst Bobbys still checking him over. "Yeah I see that." Buck replies with a nod. "Hey what's your body fat percentage?" Connor asks Buck curiously. "I swing between like fifty-" Buck gets interrupted by Bobby. "Okay can we finish the most interesting conversation of all time later?" Bobby asks sarcastically making Olivia chuckle. "Does this hurt? Does that feel tender?" Bobby asks putting pressure onto Connors stomach. "No." He replies. "What abiut your bowel movement? Any diarrhoea ?" Bobby asks looking at him. "No." Connor replies shaking his head. "Yes. Why would you lie to them about that? they're trying to help you." Paul calls out as Connor sighs. "Okay, sorry yes." Connor replies sighing again. "He has poop shame." Paul tells them. "Valid honestly ." Olivia nods. Bobby and Buck look at her weirdly making her squint her eyes at them. "Okay just take a deep breath, okay? Relax. Take a deep breath." Bobby tells them before Connor shouts. "oh god, oh no, no, i'm gonna burst! I'm gonna explode!" Connor screams out leaning forward groaning. "Let's him in the ambulance right now." Bobby tells them before they do so.

"God just make it stop! Drive faster! I feel like i'm gonna explode all over the place." Connor screams out laying down in the ambulance holding Paul's hand. "All right Connor you're doing great we're almost to the hospital now, they're gonna do a scan figure out exactly what's going on." Bobby explains to Connor before he points. "Th- there's something under my leg.". Connor tells them leaning his head back. "It's just the IV tube all right? It's underneath you." Buck informs him. "No, no, no it's moving! There's something moving under my leg." Connor panics moving around. "All right let's turn him and check it out." Bobby replies before they get up checking it out seeing something hang out of his shorts. "Holy crap!" Olivia gags moving back. "What the hell is that?" Paul questions confused. "That's a tapeworm." Buck tells them smiling at the fact he knows. "Tapeworm? I have a tapeworm?" Connor asks freaking out. "Oh i'm gonna be sick." Paul says. "Me too paul, me too." Olivia covers her eyes slightly. "Olivia." Buck laughs looking at her. "Get it out! Get it out!" Connor screams. "Oh I can see the mouth." Paul shouts out in a disgusted tone. "I mean we can pull it out." Buck says looking at Bobby and Olivia. "No. No. No absolutely not. we're almost to the hospital they're gonna remove that. with the proper instruments put him in some albendazole and then we call it a night." Bobby tells them as Olivia nods agreeing. "No please no I can't take those drugs they're toxic they put me on flagyl for divertculitis once, and it gave me severe heartburn and turned my pee burnt sienna." Connor says groaning. "Burnt Sienna?" Buck questions. "It was brown! okay? It was dark brown! Now just please i am begging you. Get it out!" Connor screams Olivia and bobbys head turn to Buck. "It's all you Buck." They say at the same time smirking. "Really? So y'all have no problem delivering a baby but this creeps you out?" Buck questions not believing it. "Seniority has it advantages." Bobby tells Buck. "Damn right it does." Olivia smiles at Buck cockily. "Just get it out!" Connor shouts. Buck manages to pull it out leaving Bobby and Olivia disgusted.

Joseph laughed as Olivia explained her day to him. "Maybe the full moon curse is actually real." He said with a smile as Olivia cuddled up to him. "Oh it absolutely is." Olivia nods. "Y'all aren't doing anything are you? Can I come in?" Alyssa asked covering her eyes outside the door. Olivia and Joseph laughed before giving her the green light to walk in. "Phew..anyways i'm just here to tell you guys I quit my job." Alyssa looked at them trying to figure out their facial expressions. "You did what now?" Olivia asked sitting up as Joseph did the same. "I figured out what I wanna do." Alyssa smiled. "And that is?" Joseph questioned with an eyebrow raised. "I wanna be a firefighter." Alyssa said looking straight at Olivia before she squealed. "Oh my gosh are you serious?" Olivia had the biggest smile on her face. "I wanna help people and hearing how much you love the job I know it's good." Alyssa replied. "This is great! Joe tell her how great it is!" Olivia turned to him. "It's amazing Aly im happy for you." Joseph smiled before Alyssa walked out. "only took me three years to convince her." Olivia laughed leaning back down next to Joseph. "Well good job." Joseph kissed Olivia softly.

A/N: Gasp guys Alyssa found her call!!
word count: 2052

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