○Chapter 23○ The Younger Sister

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I was the useless younger sister, Hisaki Yumi. My older sister, Hisaki Yurine, was a music prodigy. She could easily turn any piece into a masterpiece. I admired her and hated her. I thought the least I could get was bragging rights, even if I never get her love.

"Yuri-nee! Welcome home! Congrats on winning the music competition!" I greeted with a bright and fake smile.

"Oh." She would simply say and return to her room. That was it. My older sister would look at me with cold eyes and ignore me. She never smiled, even when she won. In all the pictures I have seen of her, she was just standing there with the award with a blank look on her face. Like a robot following the commands of her work. It infuriated me to know that my older sister preferred her work over me. Especially since it did not seem like she even enjoyed her work.

The last time I ever hang out with her was a couple of years ago. So I thought that if her work fails... She would go back to hanging out with me and I can save her from what she hated. The only way was to break her. But, there was no way I could do this alone. That is where Ai-nii came in.

Kisaragi Aine was actually our neighbour and another guy under the Shining Agency where Yuri-nee worked at. He was struggling below Yuri-nee and wanted to be more popular. He was perfect for my plan.

"Ai-nii!" As I would call him ever since I was a child. "Are you free now? I want to ask you something."

"Of course Yumi-chan. What is the question?" He asked with a smile.

"How do you feel about my onee-san?" I asked innocently.

"Eh? Yurine-chan huh... You are pretty lucky aren't you Yumi-chan? You get such a talent girl as your older sister," Aine said, avoiding the question. He was trying to hide it, but it was obvious to me. He was insecure about it. He held certain feelings to Yuri-nee but did not want to say in front of me.

"Yup! I heard she's your senior in work and I hope she wasn't troubling you much," I replied, continuing the innocent act.

"Of course not, if anything I would be the one troubling her," he stated, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Well, she's been troubling me a bit..." I sighed.

"How?" His eyes widen in shock.

"I think her job is stressing her, she no longer talks to me or smiles. It worries me," I continued.

"You are pretty mature for your age, aren't you Yumi-chan. Such a good sister, worrying about your older sister," he commented with a chuckle.

"Haha not at all, Ai-nii. I am just a little worried. Yuri-nee is still pretty young after all so I was wondering... Ai-nii... Could you do me a favor?"

"A favor? What would it be?"

"Could you make Yuri-nee feel again?"

"Feel? You do know what you are saying right Yumi-chan? You can't just-"

"Please! I just want my sister to be happy!"

"But why me?"

"You have known Yuri-nee since you two were kids. You are the only guy I know that I can ask. Please!"

"...Fine. I will try"

He had no idea what I was planning but sooner or later he would learn the truth. I was going to use him to break Yurine. Every day, he would bother Yuriko during her breaks and talk to her even if she was silent. It took a few months, but he had managed to break down the walls of Yurine and brought happiness and smiles to her life.


"Yumi-chan!" I heard my sister call my name after such a long time. How long exactly? 2 or 3 years? It was strange, I am supposed to hate her, but I could not help but feel so happy. So happy, I could cry.

She had burst into my room and hugged me tightly.

"Yuri-nee.." I muttered, weeping a little.

"I am so sorry for making you worry," she cried. I hugged her back but looked solemnly away.

You're wrong Yuri-nee... I wasn't worried at all. I just wanted to see you fail... But I guess this isn't that bad anyway...

We spent a week of quality time together. I was never this close this Yuri-nee in my whole life. It was like I was hanging out with a completely different person.

"Yuri-nee, do you have anyone in mind that you like?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Eh? L-Like?" She stammered. Bingo, she did.

"Who is the lucky guy?" I asked with a mischievous smile.

"Uh... Wh-Who do you like Yumi-chan?" She asked, dodging the question.

"Yuri-nee! You can't just dodge the question, but I am in love with someone!" I laughed.

"Really? Who?"

"He is really handsome and cool! He is Ai-nii!"

"Aine?..." She averted her eyes and fidgetted with her fingers.

Ah, she liked him too. Yuri-nee is too easy to read, as expected of someone who just got back some of her emotions.


After that week, Yuri-nee seemed to avoid me more and hung out with Aine. That burnt me, but nothing would happen, right?

I was wrong.

They started to date. That ticked me off. She knew I liked him and still became his girlfriend. It annoyed me. It has only been a few months and now they were dating. It made me continue with my plans to break her. Seeing her depressed from her first love telling her he is going to break up with her. Ah, I wanted to see that.

That's why I went up to see Shining personally and complain about their relationship, telling him to ban love in the company. He did not shake at first, but afterwards, I created a hate page about their relationship, sending hate messages via anonymous. It started to affect Yurine and Aine job performance and that was what made Shining implement the no love rule on idols. That was the final step. Aine was forced to break up with Yurine and Yurine broke.

After Aine's concert, he broke up with Yurine in a harsh manner. She locked herself in her room for days and Aine approached me.

"You were using me, weren't you?" Aine had asked me. "You told me to make Yurine feel again, hoping to use my hatred to break her, but it did not work and you made Shining do the no love rule, forcing me to break up with her."

"What are you talking about Ai-nii? I did nothing of such!" I told him innocently. He 'tch' and left me alone.

Then what was it that I saw a few days later on the news? They died.

As if I will believe in that. I believed they were alive. I believed for 7 years. It was when I saw Ai on tv that I confirmed that. Aine never had a brother, so Ai was probably a robot connected to Aine's consciousness and if he was there, Yuri-nee probably had a robot connected to her consciousness too. When I saw Yuriko at the set that day, I knew instantly it was her. She was the exact opposite of Yurine and Ai was the exact opposite of Aine. Strange, isn't it? It infuriated me when I saw them kiss. I needed to break her again.

And I did.

(A/N: And this is Yumi's backstory, next will be Yurine and Aine's story. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. :D I know Yumi is not a really likeable character, but you got to admit with her reading people skill is awesome. I want it :(.)

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