○Chapter 17○ First Date

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Following the professor's suggestion, Ai and I went on date. Ai told me to be the one who organizes it, but I have no idea what to do! It was hard enough to decide what to wear, but the location was way harder than I thought.

As a conclusion after my one hour of thinking. I decided to

A. The Movies

B. The Amusement Park

C. The Beach

D. All of the above

I could not choose... So I ended up with everything.

"Sorry I am late," Ai said as he walked over to where we planned to meet. We had planned to meet in the afternoon since Ai had a job in the afternoon, but...

Isn't the girl supposed to be the one who is late?!

"It's all right," I replied and pointed at the movie I decided we should watch.

"Ice Princess 2... Isn't this the movie we filmed? Why should we watch this?" Ai asked.

"We never got to see how it turned out with all the music and editing. They have not sent us our copy, remember?" I replied and grabbed his hand. "Come on! I already bought tickets for us." Then, I dragged us to the cinema room. I bought back seats so no one would recognize us.

The cinema theater was rather full and the movie was starting soon.


"Elliot! Please listen to me! You can't kill him! He is your father!" Elizabeth, the main female protagonist, shouted.

"But... He killed my brother..." Elliot replied.

"But... He is your father!" Elizabeth tried to reason with him

"Why are you siding with that monster! He killed the person you love!"

She didn't reply, she just looked down and acted deep in thought, then replied, "Because... I don't want to see you in despair if you another of your loved one dies!"

"Love? What's that? I've never felt any of such emotion."

"Love is..." Elizabeth replied and inched closer to him, their lips almost touching. With all her might, she kissed him. Elizabeth pull back and continued, "Something like this..."

"That felt... Nice..." Elliot replied. "Can we do it again?"

"Um... S-Sure..." Elizabeth stuttered and lean in to kiss him again. She pulled back and whispered, "I love you..."

Th-They actually used this scene?!

"The director said that it looked better than what was in the script so they did not edit it out," Ai replied.

"Wh-what?" I muttered.

I was fine with watching this movie because I thought they edited this out!


That was cruel...

"So what do you want to do now?" Ai asked.

"I was thinking we could go to the amusement park," I replied.

"Amusement park? Like the one we went before?" Ai asked.

"Yup," I replied.

"Hmm... No," Ai replied.

"Eh?" I muttered in shock.

Did Ai just state his own opinion?

"Ai, are you sure you are all right? You are slowly becoming more human... Doesn't it make you overheat?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"Human?" He questioned.

"You are starting to have emotions and feelings..." I replied.

"What's bad about that?" He asked.

"Nothing at all, it's just that... It's strange..." I replied, averting my eyes.

"Is it?" He asked.

I sighed, "Let's drop this subject... Where do you want to go?"

He tilted his head in confusion.

"You didn't want to go to the amusement park, so where do you want to go?" I asked again.

"I'm not sure... Maybe the beach," Ai said.

Plan C?!

"Why would you want to go there?" I asked.

"I'm not sure... Reiji told me the beach is a good place to go to when you are on a date," Ai replied. "Something about kissing at sunset, then going to a Love resort, then-"

"That's enough! Keep this PG 13 for the readers!" I shouted, cutting him off.

Reiji, that explains everything.

"I was planning for us to go to the beach later, but I guess we can go now," I replied.

"Yay," he attempted to cheer, but it came out sounding a little sarcastic.


I was changed into my swimsuit. I was wearing the same one I wore at the resort. Ai was wearing swimming trunks though he cannot swim. Well, neither can I, but I shall try to do so.

"Come on Ai! Let's head to the sea!" I exclaimed happily and ran on the sand barefooted. I breathed in the cool air as the sea breeze blew my hair to a casual disarray. As I took a small step into the ocean, the small waves going against my feet.

"Ai! Hurry!" I shouted when I noticed he was slowly strolling towards the sand from the restroom.

"Must I?" He asked.

"Well, not really... But, please?" I asked and pouted.

"You..." He said, looking at me with a smile, "looked really cute just now."


Does the Mikaze Ai I have known all these years always been like this?!

"How was that?" He asked, returning back to his deadpanned look. "I'm trying my best for this love thing."

"Yeah yeah, that was good. So real that you sent my heart racing," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

You tricked me!

"But, I did feel something spark inside me, is that an improvement?" He asked, putting his hand to his chest.

"Is that so? That's good, I guess," I replied with a smile. "I've been meaning to ask, but... Is it really all right for us to be at a public beach? What if Shining finds out?"

"He won't. It's covered up as a photo shoot, I had the whole beach booked," he replied.

"I see..."

So that's why there is no one here.

"Why don't you come in the water with me?" I asked.

"I... Can't..." He replied.

"Oh right... Well, I can't too but I'm here, aren't I?" I asked.

"You shouldn't be in there, you know?" He asked.

"It's fine! It's not like I am a robot like you. Today is the day I finally solve this mystery of why I can't swim!" I replied and went in deeper into the water. "See? I'm completely-"

That's strange. Why is it getting blurry all of a sudden? My body fills heavier too...



Yes, done. Sorry for taking a month to update :< I hope this makes up for it >< now, I leave it up to you guys to theorize why Yuri can't swim (;


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