chapter 17

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"Perhaps putting him under a spell would work better than seduction" Mila said smiling to herself "just do what you can I need what rightfully belongs to me" another woman said happily. "Oh don't worry mother in law your wish is my command" she chuckled, she loved games especially those she knew she could easily win but challenges were by far her favorite.

His bedroom door opened slowly and slow steps entered the room, with sweet red lips tilted up she walked closer to his bed. "He looks so peaceful, such a pity to do this oh my" her hands lit up a bit as pointed them at him but her hands froze. She tried to pull them but they were just frozen then they began to burn and she screamed.
A sound so shrill it woke Aayush up who stared at the scene before him.

"Keep your filthy hands off him I warned you" a soft voice said anger seeping through "I knew you were a witch what did you do to me?" Asked Mila staring at Abhi "I. a which? Says the cold corpse" he spat making her shudder "I'm not a corpse open your eyes, I'm powerful though and I will end you painfully" Abhi stared at her and raised his hand a bit more and then closed it making her fall to her knees.

"Whatever you say but remember he is off limits" the bedroom opened by force and she was casted out before it closed on her face. Abhi breathed hardly it hurt, he looked at his hands, they were trembling he felt weaker and he knew why, he was about to turn and vanish but a hand grasped his wrist gently making him look down.

He stared at those dark eyes that seemed to read into his soul.
"You are leaving me again" the man spoke "I have to but soon everything will be alright just be patient".

The man pulled him gently on his lap and their lips met making Abhi melt into the kiss despite his hesitation. The kiss was gentle seemingly expressing feelings untold between the two, Abhi broke the kiss and stared at the man, a spark lighting up but he knew better than to let it burn which is why he held the wondering hand of the man as it attempted to undo the buttons of his night shirt.
He was glad he wore a somewhat oversized one as he had forgotten to ware his fake breasts.

He was just woken up by a bad feeling and he knew his... well his sister's husband was in danger. "Why won't you let me touch you?" Aayush asked nosing Abhi's neck with his nose, breathing in his wife's sweet scent that had him a little intoxicated. "I can't right now, I won't be able to explain it yet please be patient I promise you'll get your love soon, your true love" Abhi closed his eyes saying that as his heart ached.

"My true love is in my arms right now" Abhi smiled at him sadly his eyes wet confusing Aayush "so it seems if illusions were true, I love you darling" he said giving Aayush one last kiss before Aayush could say anything he felt drowsy and just closed his eyes. He still held onto Abhi showing his resistance to letting him go but he knew it would not be same if the man knew his true self.

A self that was hidden behind his disguise and deceit, he closed his eyes and just like that he vanished as if he was never there to begin with. Entering his little cottage he began to cough. He he felt a bite on his throat as he coughed and looked at his hands only to blink. The little bell chimed frantic "I know she's making me lose my strength our bond is breaking" he felt himself lose his balance and just fall.

A light surrounded him as his body floated to his bed and he seemed to sleep peacefully if not for his laboured breathing. She held her heart as it was racing rather quickly, her eyes blinked back tears before they went blank again and she smiled her love was back again and he brought gifts.
Such pretty trinkets just for her, he loved her. Her eyes no longer met his they just stayed on his lips, those lips that made promises that made her heart beat out of order.

"I almost had him! That pest of a witch needs to go" Mila yelled upset as she looked at her burned hands, they hurt more than usual. She paced around her room deep in thought, she was powerful but even she had weaknesses and that pest was her greatest weakness. Her phone chimed at that moment catching her attention.

She looked at the message and smirked "oh what do you know our perfect little doll is ready, little witch what can you do now" she was far too pleased and kept staring at the message.
**************************************Make it double 😘

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