Chapter 27

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The final exams of the year were around the corner and so was the end of the season. Too much stress and yet...there was a week off that came out of nowhere. And Fermín knew he had to use that opportunity to have fun before it all went very well...or terribly wrong. At least for him, because no one doubted Lorena was going to pass all of her exams.

"I thought we could plan our studying around your training, so we can help each other revise...", Lorena kept rambling while Fermín just smiled, walking her to his car after class.

"About that...I don't have any training next week. There's a break because of the cup final we're not playing".

"More studying time, then".

"Or...", he started to say, stopping in front of her and holding both of her hands. "I take you somewhere nice and we have fun before the exams".

"Fermín, we need to study".

"But do we need to study more than we need to travel to LA to see an NBA match?"

And there it was again...Lorena was speechless. It didn't happen often but it seemed basketball was the only thing that managed it.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about me taking you to LA for a few days. And since we're there, we could go watch a match and you know...just make you fall in love with me even more?"

"I like that plan".

They had stopped on their way to the car and, even though they couldn't see him, Adrián was looking at them talking and now kissing. He had finally given up trying to get Lorena back. He should have long ago but it was seeing the way Lorena looked at Fermín that told him there was nothing he could do. She had been trying not to show her feelings before but now was free to just let the world know how in love she was. And...she had never looked at Adrián like that. It hurt to know but it also helped him move on a little.

Lorena had never left the country apart from a trip to Rome she did with her high school class, and she was only allowed to go because Adrián was going too. But that was a very short flight. Los Angeles was...a little further away.

"I'm bored", she said after she finished the book she had packed. She should have picked something bigger than a 300-page book for such a long flight but she was a rookie when it came to traveling.

"We can watch a movie. Or take a nap".

"How do you do this all the time?"

"Do what?"

"Travel. You travel all the time for matches. Don't you get bored?"

"Sometimes", laughed Fermín. "But there's always a teammate I can hang out with and there are movies to watch. I don't know".

"I guess you get used to it too...and we're flying first class, so it's very comfy. I shouldn't complain but I guess I didn't realise how long this flight really was".

"Only the best for you", said Fermín, holding Lorena's chin to kiss her right when there was a small turbulence. "You're not scared of flying, are you?"

"I don't know? I haven't been on a plane long enough to know but I think I'm fine. I just don't want more of those".

"If there are any, I'll hold you tight to protect you. Don't worry".

"Funny, I just felt another turbulence", said Lorena, moving closer to Fermín. "It was a really bad one. So scary. Can you protect me now?"

He laughed, helping her position herself so they could cuddle before picking a movie to watch. And after the second one started, they both fell asleep for the remainder of the flight.

Not enough (Fermín López)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant