Chapter 5

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Fermín was walking around the building when he noticed Lorena and Adrián talking. Or more like he was talking and she was trying to leave. Should he do something? No, he couldn't. It would be weird. But still, he kept following them and when Adrián pushed Lorena inside of an empty classroom, he ran to get there before the door could close.

"I told you to leave me alone, Adrián", she said before looking at the door. "Fermín?"

"What are you doing here, López?"

"I should ask you that. She's telling you to leave her alone. Do you not understand what that means?"

"This is none of your business", said Adrián and noticed Lorena moving to stand next to Fermín, which made him frown.

"Oh, it is my business actually".

Adrián's frown deepened when he saw Fermín turn to look at Lorena. He held her face with his hands and looked too worried. More worried than a friend would. But he couldn't help it.

"Are you ok?"

She nodded but also grabbed Fermín's jacket without realising. She needed to hold onto something that felt safe. And for some reason, Fermín made her feel safe. It was a weird feeling she couldn't really explain.

"Wait", started Adrián, looking at them. "Is she with you or something? Is that why you avoid me, Lorena? Because you two are together like everyone thinks?"


"What?", Lorena let go of the jacket to stare at Fermín, shocked by what he said.

"It's ok, I don't mind people knowing".

Knowing what?, Lorena was really panicking. What was Fermín's plan?

"So I'd appreciate it if you left my girlfriend alone, ok? She's done with you. Has been for a while. And if you keep harassing her, I'll have to do something about it".


"Shhh, Lorena. It's ok", he hugged her so she'd be close enough to whisper in her ear. "Just play along, please".

Adrián stared at them for a while and then left. He had seen enough. Hearing the rumours was bad enough, seeing what he thought confirmed them...he couldn't face it.

"What are you doing, Fermín?"

"Trying to help".

"By lying? By saying we're dating? Why was that the first idea that came to your mind?"

"I don't know. He suggested it so...", he really didn't know why he said what he said, but it seemed the only solution that he could think of.

"And what now? He'll tell people".

"It's ok. We could just pretend so he doesn't bother you".

"You mean fake dating?", Fermín nodded and Lorena couldn't believe what he was saying. "Look, I appreciate you trying to help me. And honestly, just being friends would help. People respect you, so they'll pretend to respect me. But I can't force you to do something like that. And you're famous now, you're getting attention from girls...".


"And I don't want to be the reason why you can't take advantage of that if you want to, Fermín. But mostly, I don't want to be seen as the girl her famous boyfriend cheats on. It really is the last thing I need at the moment".

"I'm not interested in dating girls right now. It's fine, really".

"You say that now".

"And I'll keep saying the same".

Fermín had actually been told to be careful. He was getting more popular, the followers and likes kept growing...and not everyone who got close to him, male or female, would have the best intentions.

"You'd be doing me a favour, actually".


"It'd be good for the manager to see me in a committed relationship and see me as mature and serious. Rather than just sleeping around, you know?"

"I guess...".

"And our story is cute, right? Met in uni and fell in love. People like normal girls as WAGs".

"Good to know the misogynists would like me".

"We can talk about it more, ok? But I think it's a good plan".

"And I think heading the ball so much must have caused some damage", joked Lorena and Fermín could see a smile forming on her lips. "But thank you. Really. didn't have to get involved in this mess".

"It's what friends do".

And it really was. The moment he saw what was happening, there was only one thing he could do and that was helping Lorena. Protecting her from whatever it was Adrián was going to do to her. Even if he didn't know how he was going to help her exactly.

"I'll drive you home, ok? No excuses. I don't want you to go alone right now".

"Yeah, ok. Just let me have a second, please".

"Sure. We can sit and wait. Until the cleaning crew gets here and kicks us out".

Lorena finally laughed. That was good. "I might help them clean. To get rid of some stress".

"I already had training this morning. I'm too sore".

"Excuses excuses...".

Once Lorena had calmed down a bit, they left the classroom together and headed to the lockers. Lorena needed to pick something up before they could go home but there was someone waiting there.

"Adrián, I've told you there is nothing else we need to talk about...".

"I don't believe this", he said, pointing at them.

"What don't you believe?", asked Fermín, ready to defend their fake relationship again.

"I don't believe you're together. You don't act like you're together".

Of course he wasn't going to just believe that lie because Fermín said it. He probably saw Lorena's confused face when she heard him say they were together and guessed something was wrong.

But even if she thought the plan was crazy, what else could she do to get rid of Adrián? Ignoring him didn't work, telling him to leave her alone didn't work, screaming in his face didn't work, ...he was never going to give up. He was going to make her life miserable until he finally got bored. If he ever did. And her parents supported him doing so.

"Really? And do you believe this?", Lorena grabbed Fermín's face and kissed him.

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