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TW:blood, gore,

3rd person POV

Johnnie and scuff were going to go to film a music video. Jake was at home and he was going to stream while they were gone. Johnnie and scuff were going home from the set they were filming at until a car came out of no where and hit Johnnie's side of the car. They ended up on the side of the road, the car completely destroyed. Scuff was okay, minus a couple scratches and bruises but Johnnie on the other hand, was in horrible condition. Scuff scurried around for his phone to call 911. He could open the door so he did and ran to johnnies side. He opened the door and saw Johnnie dipping in and out of consciousness. There was his blood everywhere and he had glass in some parts of his body.

"Shit shit shit" scuff muttered under his breath in complete panic. He didn't want to loose his friend.

"911 what's your emergency"

"Me and my friend were going home and a car hit us and there's glass and blood everywhere please help."

"Ok sir what's your location"

"I'm in the middle of the road at ****** street"

"Ok sir stay in the line we are sending people your way. Are you in any condition?"

"I'm fine I have a couple scratches and bruises but my friend he's bleeding out from his stomach and a little on his head."

"Ok stay calm I want you to put the phone down somewhere nearby and put as much pressure as you can on his wounds."

Scuff did as he was told. He touched Johnnie's stomach with one hand and with the other put it on his hand and tried to stop the bleeding. In the process he got blood all over his hands and shirt.

"S-scuff?" Johnnie said dipping into consciousness again. "It's okay Johnnie stay with me tray to stay awake for me okay they are on their way" scuff said trying not to cry. Johnnie tried his best to listen to his friend but he couldn't do it. His eyes drooped close as the ambulance and the police had finally gotten there. They took scuff and Johnnie in the back of an ambulance since they were both injured. The police man told scuff that if they had any family members or friends that he could call to call them.

~~~~~~~~~~~back with Jake~~~~~~~~~

Jake was in the middle of streaming on twitch when he got a call. He looked at it and it said scuff. He answered it on stream not pausing it thinking it was only going to be a quick call.

"Hello"Jake said waiting for the response

"J-Jake" scuff said tearing up

"What's wrong scuff are you okay?"jake said now concerned

"Uhmm you need to come to the hospital right now."

"Why" now jake panicked so bad he could see chat could see it

"We got in a car crash and Johnnie is bleeding out right now and dipping in and out of consciousness"

"Shit hold on I'll be right there stay on the phone so you can give me updates. Are you ok"

"Yeah I'm fine besides a couple scratches and bruises."

"Ok good don't worry I'll be there as fast as I can"



"They said they didn't know if he was going to make it"

"Don't say that. I'm on my way"

By that time both of them were crying their eyes out worried for their friend and secret lover. Jake had somehow forgotten that he was on stream until he saw chat basically screaming.


"Guys I have to go thanks for watching" Jake tried to say without his voice cracking. He ended the stream then sped to the hospital as fast as he could. Once he got there he ran inside and saw scuff crying covered in blood in the waiting room. He ran over to him and gave him a hug while they both sobbed. They began talking about what happened to them during the crash waiting for the nurses to come out and say something, anything about scuffs friend and Jake's secret lover. After what feels like 5 hours the nurses finally came out.

"Johnnie Guilbert?"the nurses said as Jake and scuff jumped up.

"How is he?"

"Is he ok?"

"He is fine. He's stable. He broke a few ribs and his head wasn't that badly injured so we just patched everything up."

"Can we see him" Jake asked anxious to see his best friend

"Yes you may see him but he is still asleep so be careful. Follow me"the nurse says leading the two boys to a room.

Once we walk into his room his is just sitting there asleep. Jake runs to his aid.

"Johnnie are you ok? I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Please wake up I need you." Jake says tears falling from his eyes.

Johnnie slowly starts to open his eyes. "W-what are you talking about Jake I was just asleep god damn" Johnnie says as Jake slowly laughs holding Johnnie's hands. "Oh thank god." Jake says as he jumps up to hug Johnnie. Jake kisses Johnnie's hand and then his face all over.

"Johnnie I love you with all my heart. I get it if you don't feel the same way but-" Jake says as he is cut off by Johnnie lifting his head up and kissing Jake on the lips.

"I love you too Jake"

Jake smiled. He didn't think this was how he would end up dating his crush, and lifetimes best friend, but he was happy it happened anyway.

951 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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