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Jake and Johnnie are already dating in this
3rd person POV

Jake,Johnnie,Sam and Colby were on a week trip to Colorado during the winter to explore the haunted house that was there. They were all doing their own thing. They went to the woods that were nearby to do investigations alone. They went their own separate ways and all agreed to meet up back at the house in and hour. Once the hour was up they all went back to the house except for Johnnie.

"Hey  guys where's Johnnie?" Jake asked worried for his boyfriend. "I don't know maybe he will be here in a little bit let's just wait" they all agreed to wait a little bit and if he didn't show up they would look for him. It has now been ten minutes and the boy still hasn't showed up yet. So they all split up again to try and find him. They decide to not fully split up in case they black-haired boy needed help.

Johnnie's POV
I couldnt move. I fell and was stabbed by a stick in my stomach. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. The blood stained snow was around me. The blood wasn't pouring fast but fast enough that I felt weak from it. God I hope they find me.I couldn't call for Jake, Sam OR Colby. My lips were frozen. I feel so tired but I have to wait.
                             *10 minutes later*
3rd person POV
They all were still looking for Johnnie. Jake was growing more and more scared each step he took. He was worried something happened to his best friend and his only love and he wasn't there to help him. It has now been two hours since they started looking. And they were planning on going back to the house and calling the police. They were just calling Johnnie over and over again hoping that one day they would find him or Johnnie would find them. They were heading back about to give up and call the police but Colby saw something red and covered in snow in the corner of his eye. He ran towards the lump of red and white.

"GUYS I FOUND HIM HURRY" Colby screamed to Sam and Jake who immediately came running over, Jake running slightly faster than Sam.
"Guys we need to get him to the cabin as soon as we can" Sam said as he finally caught up with Jake and Colby.Jake quickly took off his coat and placed it on top of Johnnie.Jake picked up his lover carrying him bridal style and ran to the cabin which was unfortunately so far away

"J-Jake?" Johnnie slowly asked as his lips were numb and he could barely speak from the cold. "Hang in there baby we are getting you somewhere safe." Jake sees Johnnie's eyes start to close. "No no honey you need to stay awake for me okay? We are almost there." Jake says as he runs faster Sam and Colby right behind him. They get to the cabin and Colby opens the door for Jake. Jake layed johnnie on the couch while Sam immediately goes to find a first aid kit. Colby covers Johnnie with a blanket while Jake goes and runs a warm bath for after his wounds are patched up. He was really worried about his lover now relieved that he is somewhat in good condition. Once the bath was done he went back to where Sam, Colby, and Johnnie was. Sam was already working on his wounds. Jake went and held Johnnie's hand as he was slowly warming up. Thank god he wasn't scratched very deep so it wasn't that hard to clean up. Once all of his wounds were cleaned up and bandaged Jake carried Johnnie to the bathroom where he set up his bath. He helped johnnie take off his cold, wet, and bloody clothes as he helped johnnie into the bath. Jake was about to leave to give Johnnie some privacy. "J-Jake?" "Hm" Jake said as he turned his head to meet the eyes of the boy. "Can you stay?" Johnnie asked "Yes my love I'm just going to get you a towel and some clothes when you're done okay?" Jake said not planning to let his lover leave his sight. "Okay just be back quick please" Johnnie said "I will love"

Once Jake returned Johnnie's color to his face had nearly come back. He was still cold but not as cold. Jake was holding Johnnie's had as the sleepy boy almost fell asleep. "Here let's get you dressed then we can sleep ok?" Johnnie nodded as Jake helped him get out and dried off and get dressed. Once Johnnie was dressed and dried off the two went into their shared bedroom. They both layed down and cuddled up into each other until they were both so close to each other that you couldn't get closer to each other at all.

"Goodnight my love I love you baby" Jake said close to drifting off to sleep. "G'night I love you too" Johnnie said so tired and still a little bit cold. They both shuffled to get closer to the other if that was even possible. They both drifted off to sleep letting their soft snores fill up the room.

893 words

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