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TW:abuse,sh,blood, slight homophobia
Johnnie's pov:

Ever since my dads death both me and my mom have been fighting a lot more recently. I been mostly at Jake's house so I wouldn't have to go home. I would go to school with bruises all over my body.i would often have to make excuses to him why i had bruises. Today I went home from school instead of Jake's. I decided it would be a good idea to go home and clean up a little bit since I haven't been there in almost a week.

Right now me and Jake walk out of the school together. We walk to my house since we live a couple houses away.Once we get to my house we say our goodbyes and I watch him walk to his house since it's not that far away. I walk in the house and I am immediately met with the stench of weed and alcohol. I sigh as I put my book bag down by the door and start to go up to my room as I thought my mom went somewhere for the day. Boy I was wrong.

"Why are you home so late" she asks as she pushes me and spat in my face. Her breath reeked of alcohol. "I'm sorry I just got home from school I was walking with Jake" I say trying not to react badly to make her even more mad. "Oh so you are a little queer now huh" wow. I just look down not wanting to respond. "LISTEN TO ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU BITCH" she pushes me so hard I fall to the ground. I'm trying to hold back my tears. She then starts punching me and throwing stuff at me. I try to get up but I fail and fall. "DONT EVEN TRY TO TELL YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND ABOUT THIS YOU LITTLE SLUT" she says kicking me multiple times. Some In the stomach and some in the head. By now I am sure I have multiple bruises all over my body. I can't hold back my tears anymore. I start sobbing. "GO KILL YOURSELF YOU LITTLE SHIT"she screams and walks away. After about 5 minutes of just laying on the ground I finally get up and run to my room.

This was it. I finally was going to leave like everybody wanted me too. I open my phone and text Jake because he was my best friend.

Dear Jake, I know I should've told you earlier before it got this bad but I'm struggling. My mom hates me, everyone at school hates me and im sure you'll hate me too after this if you didn't already. The reason I've had bruises all over me is because my mom abuses me. She told my to kill myself so that's what I'm going to do. Don't try to save me I'm already bleeding out while writing this. I love you more than a best friend. It's ok if you don't feel the same.Just thought you should know before I go. I love you always and I'll be looking after you.
Love, Johnnie x
I quickly sent it. My cuts were bleeding out so fast I think I cut maybe 15 on each arm and some on my thighs. I soon collapse to the ground. Soon everything goes black.

Jake's POV:
I was just sitting down on my bed watching tv. My phone soon buzzed. It was Johnnie. I was in shock. I had no idea. Not hesitating I jump out of bed and sprint downstairs and out the door not even putting my shoes on. I can't lose him. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I start running as fast as I can to Johnnie's house. Thank god it's only like two houses from mine. As soon as I get to his I don't even knock I just barge in and run up to Johnnie's room. I try to open it and it's locked. I look under the door to find a puddle of blood around Johnnie's body.I slam my body against it multiple times until I break the door open. I sprint over to Johnnie. I try to feel for a pulse. I let out a breath of relief. It's still there. I go into his bathroom and get a couple towels and bandages. I wet some of the towels with luke-warm water. I went back to where johnnie is and I cleaned to cuts then put bandages over them. I pick him up and take him out of his room out of the house and back over to my house. I don't want him staying another day at that household. Once I get to my house I take him upstairs and into my room. I place him on my bed and cover him up with a blanket. I'll worry about getting all of his belongings later. Right now I'm glad he's okay. I notice he has a couple bruises on his face and his makeup was running. My love why would you do this to yourself. I start to tear up at the thought of what would've happened if I hadn't of gotten there in time.I stare at him for a couple seconds and then notice he starts waking up. I quickly wipe the tears that fell.

"J-Jake? Where am I?" He says sitting up to look at me better. Even when he's in the worst state he is so beautiful. "My love you are in my bed. I brought you here." He brings his arm up to touch one of the bruises that cruel woman left him. He notices the bandages on each of his wrists. I quickly say his eyes fill up with tears and I assume he remembers what happened. I slowly take both of his hands in mine as I sit on the bed facing him. "Honey your okay. You are safe now. You don't have to worry about her anymore. I will protect you." "I-I'm sorry J-Jake" I pull him into a gentle yet protecting hug. "Baby don't apologize I'm not mad or anything I'm just worried about you" I say tearing up then kissing his head. We both just sat there crying and cuddling until we had no more tears. "I love you Johnnie" "I love you too Jake" I noticed Johnnie was drifting off to sleep so I kissed his forehead and played with his hair."Goodnight love" I say kissing his forehead once more. "Goodnight Jake" he soon drifted off to sleep. I stared at him for a few minutes until I felt sleep trying to take over so I let it.

1145 words
A/N whooo this was a long one comment some requests and I will try my best to credit you

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