Chapter 6

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I woke up Thomas in my arms I slide off of him and get up and begin making a coffee.

Thomas gets up and rubs his eyes.

"Mornin." I said happily.

"Morning." He responded.

"Want a drink?"



I busied myself making tea not noticing him sneaking up on me. I suddenly feel arms wrapped around my waist and Thomas' warm breath on my neck. I shudder.

"You are so cute." He whispered.

"Th-hank you."

"I love it when you are flustered."

He moves in to kiss me when my phone goess off I look at it. It was Milly. I had so many missed calls and texts from her.


"What?" Thomas asked.

"I was meant to text Milly when I got in."

I answered the call.

"Liam are you okay you didn't answer and I-

"I'm fine I just got a little distracted and fell asleep."

"So you are okay."

"Yes I'm fine. I'm about to get ready for school."

"Ok I'm coming to yours we need to talk."

"What? Do you really need to come here?"

Thomas looked up at me I was shaking. If she saw Thomas she would flip.

"Yes I do I'm on my way."

"O-ok." I manage to stuttet out before hanging up.

"Milly is in her way."


"One she hates you 2 You are dating her sister and Three I haven't told her I'm bi."

"Ah. That."

"Yeah that. Put on some clothes and go."

"Do you really want me to leave?"

"I don't want you to I just don't want a fight with Milly I'll see you at school."

I looked at him pleadingly.

"Ok." He said picking his clothes off my floor and putting them on.

He walked to the door and opened it.

Milly was stood there.



She pushed passed him.

"Liam why the fuck is he here?"

"He walked me home last night to make sure I was safe and he was tired so I let him stay."

"You did did you?"

"Yes I did."

"Don't tell Lana." Thomas said.

Milly whipped around to look at him.

"Why not if you just slept here because it was late and you were tired what would the issue be?"

"You know how she is. She reads into everything."

"Milly just don't say anything to people."
I chimed in.

"Why do I feel like I'm still being lied to."

"You aren't-" Thomas began.

"I'm bi Milly. Me and him slept together."


She turned to look at Thomas.

"I told you stay away from him and you do this!" She slapped him.

"Milly!" I yelled.

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