chapter 3

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" Oh Daisy you're here" her mother said in a snide manner " Oh don't worry your people you paid to keep me busy were talking about it so I was able to find the right room no bother " said Daisy, right back at her. Just then the lawyer came in " Hello I'm happy to see everyone could make it today,

We are here today to read the last will and testament of one Sam Peterson, In sound mind and body, to my sister Madison and her husband James I gave to you the entirety of my debt. To my niece

Kate I give to you the entire of my out house. To my niece Daisy, me and my wife weren't able to have kids. This farm has been passed down for 10 generations. I will give you my farm and the house as well as all ten thousand acres the deeds have already been signed over. I wish you all the happiest life you can get.

That was the last thing he wrote now that everything with the will has been dealt with, you Daisy I will talk to you again another time". Then the lawyer left the family and was sure no one was around. James rushed at Daisy holding her by her neck to the wall " Give the land over to us, it will be better In our hands then yours" he said with a crazed look in his eyes. Daisy was finding it hard to breathe " I - I - I'll never give it to someone like you" then Daisy kicked James right between his legs, James dropped Daisy to the floor - when he went to cover his groin. Daisy started to run knowing that if she stopped for a moment they would find her again. Daisy ran to the back door of the lodge and quickly phoned Emma to tell her to shut up the inn and go to Sam's farm. James and the rest of the family might go after them to get to her, she'll tell Emma everything later then Daisy hung up. She ran into her VW camper van and set off to Emma's. Daisy quickly pulled over and opened the side door in a hurry " Get in " Daisy said. Once Emma and her mom got in Daisy put her foot down to get them to safety on the farm.

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