𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥

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Eleanor and Charlotte were sat on the front stairs to the Russo home. They were taking a look into the latest fashion columns, to help bring some insparation to Eleanor. "These latest designs are for sure going to make you roar." She read from the magazine. She turned the page to reveal a male model in a leathery design. "Roar!" Charlotte growled; the two sharing a laugh. Not too far from them, Justin and a friend of his were hanging out. Justin was absolutely eyeing his woman with his tongue sticking out. 

"Dude," His friend said. "close your mouth. Your tongue is going to dry out." Justin pulled out his water bottle, taking a sip from it; going to speak but spitting the water out. "Listen, man. You've had a crush on her, for like, forever. Why don't you just ask her out?" "Eleanor Martin? I can't ask out Eleanor Martin, she's the epitomey of perfection in a woman." Justin responded. "She makes little cartoon drawings and hangs out with a wild, red-head chick. How is that perfection?" His friend questioned. "Hey! Those cartoon drawings are her sketches! They are amazing, and she will be a great fashion designer!" Justin said in defence, a slight anger in his tone. "You are crazy for her, with a K."

"I'm not crazy for her; I just habour a deep admiration for her."

"You have a planner for your wedding."


Eleanor and Charlotte let out a few laughs again as they made jokes. A guy walked up to them, and asked Eleanor "Hey, El. You want to check out a movie this weekend?" "Why?" "Well, I'm quarterback of the football team, president of student council, and I'm a swimsuit model." He bragged to her; eyeing her up and down. That caught Justin's attention, along with Charlotte, and they glared a little. "Hey, you asked to copy my homework last week!" She pointed a finger at him. "You used my best friend?" Eleanor scolded. "W-What? No!" He tried to reason himself. "You know, I was actually going to say yes, but clearly you don't care about anyone but yourself. Using my best friend is A LOW to me! Oh, and second, I saw that swimsuit catalog you did; it sucked! You only had one purchase!"

"No, I didn't! You're wrong!"

"Oh, sweetheart, Eleanor Martin is never wrong when it comes to fashion." Eleanor smirked. "Now, please get out of here, before I unleash my kitty." Mirage had been lying in a pet carrier, beside them, and let out a few growl and hisses from it. It was enough to scare the guy and he ran off, for his life. "Yes, girl!" The two best friends shared a high five. 

"See? She is perfection!"

"Justin, there is something wrong in your head when it comes to girls."

"So, speaking of dating, you got your eye on anyone lately?" Charlotte questioned. "Not really." "Any prefrence you're looking for?" She asked. "Well, I have been into baseball recently." Eleanor answered. "Baseball? You aren't into sports, why?" Charlotte arched an eyebrow. "My brothers are watching a game in a few weeks, and they said I can watch it with them. However, I don't have a clue about the subject so I've been reading and watching previous games. The players are quite strong, I won't lie." Eleanor explained. 

Justin listened very closely, and an idea struck in his mind. "So, Justin. Do you play baseball?" His friend asked with a knowing smile. "Yes." "You going to try out for the team this year?" "I might."

"You think you got a shot at making it?"

"Absolutely not."


Mirage laid on the counter, as Alex stroked him and Eleanor sat by the counter. "You're a cute kitty, aren't ya?" Alex cooed at him. "Sometimes, this feels weird." Mirage stated. "You're an adorable cat. Live with it." She replied. 

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