Chapter 1: Bella Green

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"Why do you need all this information?" I asked curiously

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"Why do you need all this information?" I asked curiously

"It's protocol hun" said an old lady doing the strange interview

"Who are you anyway? Where am I? " I asked confused

"My name is Miss Patty and you're on Swan Island" she said with her sweet old voice

"Swan Island?! What do you mean Island!? Have I been kidnapped?! " I yield panicking

"No hun, your parents sent you off to boarding school" she said calmly.

You're probably wondering, allergic to grass, how would that work. My parents are still wondering the exact same thing by the way. All I know is if I touch grass I need to go to the emergency room.

Ok, ok let's start at the beginning of my early childhood development, so you, dear reader, can know a little more about me, Bella Green.

I grew up in a small town outside New York, Catskill. We lived in a small house, I'll put a picture down here somewhere.

There it is "Home Sweet Home"

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There it is "Home Sweet Home".

My Parents, how wonderful are they (🙃sarcasm🙃) they never really wanted a kid, but guess who didn't know what a condom was. My parents! Classic Felicity and George! They only found out my mom was pregnant with me when they were having sex and my dad saw my head poking out of her vaginal region. My dad drove her to the hospital and claimed her vagina took a vacation and was on holiday. When the doctor took a look he told her she was in labor. Of course my idiotic parents didn't know what labor was. So she gave birth to me, the child they never wanted in the first place. After that she started taking birth control pills.

Bella's "not so ordinary" Adventures In A DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now