9. Marriage discussions ...

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The next day Sivaangi called her brothers and told them about the marriage proposal.....they were happy for her and teased her a bit ...

The next few days were quite busy for both of them.... Harsha was busy completing the music for his latest film and Sivaangi was busy with the shoot of her latest film. She was doing the supporting role but a very character role and she had specially trained under a prominent actress for this character. For about 10 days continuous shoot was there and she had told Harsha about it. By this time Harsha also almost completed with the music works and only the vocal recordings were pending. He had thought to include one duet by him and Sivaangi. He thought to msg her

Harsha: Sivu.... r u free?

Sivaangi: yep .... enna vishayam ....
(Yep... what's the matter)

Harsha: naan ippo panni kitt irukkura movie le oru duet..... can u sing with me ...
(A duet in the movie I'm currently doing.... can u sing with me)

Sivaangi: do u have to ask this ... I'd love to... but dates.... if u r okay with recording in night I'll come

Harsha: no issues.... night lam vena.... unnoda intha movie schedule eppo end aavuth.....
(No issues.... no need of night....when is this movie schedule ending)

Sivaangi: this Saturday varekkum shooting irukk.... Sunday nan free .... shoot illa ....
(There is shooting till this Saturday.... I'm free on Sunday.... no shoot)

Harsha: appo namma Sunday panlama.... or do u need rest.... apdina theriyala... deadline kk munne unakk vere ethavath day free na sollu.....
(Then shall we do it on Sunday ... or doo u need rest.... in that case don't know.... if any days are free for you before my deadline you tell)

Sivaangi: illa pa.... Sunday enakk ok thaan.... next schedule Monday start aavuth ... Sunday etho director sir kk inconvenience athaan shoot illa .... Monday start aana again oru 2 weeks kitte shoot irukk..... ana enakk kammi shots than .... intha week thaan enakk max shots irukk.... next schedule le Ella days um Vara vena .. but not sure when all I have to come... athinaale ippo solla mudiyaath ... so Sunday panlam.... unakk Sunday vere plans illela?
(It's ok... in fine with Sunday.... next schedule starts on Monday... Sunday director sir has some inconvenience so there is no shoot..... if the schedule starts on Monday there is shoot for about 2 weeks... but I have only few shots.... this week only I had max shots.... in next schedule I don't have to attend on all days.... but not sure when all I have too come.... so I can't confirm another date now... so we'll do it on Sunday.... you don't have any other plans on Sunday right?)

Harsha: illa ma.... enakk time kedacha en portion nan record panre.... illati Sunday paathukalam.... naan tune and lyrics unakk send panre....
(No.... if I get time I'll record my portion and keep.... other wise will see it on Sunday ... I'll send you the tune and lyrics....)

Sivaangi: sari da.... enakk shot kk time aach.... I'll see you ...
(Okay.... it's time for my shot.... I'll see you)

Harsha: see you

They decided to meet on Sunday....

Skip to Sunday ...

Morning itself Sivaangi reached the studio and Harsha also had reached. She entered studio and Harsha gave her a brief hug ....

Harsha: u r okay right.... romba tired aa theriyure....
(U r okay right... you look very tired)

Sivaangi: nan ok thaan da.... just konjam exhausted. Otherwise fine.... ana singing namakk prechana illa .... as long as my voice is fine ....
(I'm okay.... just little exhausted.... otherwise fine ... but singing is not an issue.... as long as my voice is fine)

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