Well then atleast tell
me why you swiped
right for me?

Honestly your
dog was cute but
I was about to swipe
left for you, but then
I read the description
and it had a F.R.I.E.N.D.S
reference sooooo....

I'm assuming you like
F.R.I.E.N.D.S too?

Yep, what about you?
Why did you swipe right?

I just thought it
was rare that someone
else had no pictures in
their Grindr profile
like me.

And just like that, I formed a good bond with the him, it had been a couple days since we had started chatting and just like how I had intended it was providing me a distraction from my thoughts about a certain someone, who I shared a room with. I couldn't say I had moved on but I mean...

"Ish, you've had your head in your phone since the past few days. You don't even give me any attention."
He said pouting like a kid, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Well you're on your phone too."
"That's cause you don't give me attention."
I didn't have a reply for that so I just made the bed and laid in it before muttering,
"I'm tired, goodnight Shub."

I could feel him getting in bed besides me, before spooning me from behind.
"Don't ignore me please."
He said in a soft desperate plea. His voice broke a little and my heart broke along with it. I turned around in his embrace, before hugging him and pulled his head against my chest, comfortingly. No matter how much I tried to move on, I couldn't ever avoid him. I needed to make sure to not hurt him, just because of my own feelings. He was my bestfriend after all.

A few days passed as Shub and I practiced hard in Mumbai with the T20 World Cup arriving soon. I had stopped trying to avoid Shub and had let us be fairly normal again but I did maintain some physical distance, just for the sake of my poor heart. I had also texted Mr 'S' aka Eiffel on Grindr regularly. We just chatted about random things and he was a pretty fun guy, I concluded.

Eiffel <for you>

Where do you live?
If you don't mind
telling me that.

I'm from Bihar,
but I currently live
in Mumbai.

Oh I live in
Mumbai too.
Can we meet?


It's fine if you
don't want to.
I just wanted
to meet you.
You seemed like a
really nice person.
I don't want to make you
uncomfortable though.

It's not that I'm
uncomfortable it's
just that....
I don't know.
Do you watch cricket?

Nah, I'm more
into football.
The only player I
know is Virat Kohli.
But then again I guess
everyone knows him.
So my cricket knowledge
is basically next to zero.
Why? Do you like it?

Yeah, I guess you
could say I like it.

Why did you ask though?

No reason,
all Indians are usually
cricket fans so...

Ohh the prejudice.
Well I always preferred

Ok fine, we can meet.
But I have a condition.

And what's that?

I'll decide the time
and place.

Ok done.
How will I recognize
you though?

I'll wear a blue shirt.

And? That's so

There won't be many
people around and plus
even if there's a couple
guys with a blue shirt
you can always just go upto
them and ask if they're
Plus it'd be funny if people
look at you weirdly for
asking them such a question.

You just want to see
me embarrassing
myself. But fine.
I can do that much
for you.

And just like that here I was standing in front of the restaurant contemplating on whether I actually wanted to do this or not. I was very tempted to run away, but I couldn't do that to Eiffel. He had been such a gentleman, I couldn't stand him up like that. So I took a deep breath and pinched myself making my way inside the VIP section of the posh restaurant before I could overthink anymore.

I was about to make my way to the table I had booked but spotted Shub instead as I stopped dead in my tracks. He had made himself comfortable on a table which was near mine and when he spotted me, he waved me over. I hesistantly made my way over to him.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for a date. What about you?"
He was here on a date. I wanted so badly for this to not affect me, but it did. My heart could never not be affected by this.


I have my first exam today.
Oh God what am I doing 😭

Shubish- oneshots of two cuties Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora