Mr 15 pt2

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Shubman's pov

"How did you know?"
This time Rohit bhaiya spoke,
"We are the Indian Intelligence, did you really think we wouldn't find out?"
"That is exactly why I thought you wouldn't find out."
Damn he's sure got a sassy mouth for such a pretty face.
"What are you trying to insinuate?"
"Exactly what you think."
I could see all of them were mad now, while Ishan just looked unbothered.

wait... "Who is Mr 15 and how did you know Ishan's name Virat bhaiya?"
"Do you know the Intelligence had gotten a tip last year regarding Arun Raichand the biggest underworld mafia's whereabouts?"
"Yes, and the stupid F2 team managed to lose them despite having their location."
"Right exactly, how do you think they got the location in the first place?"
And then both the bhaiya's turned amd pointed at Ishan.
"So what did Ishan do with this? I still don't understand?"

"Did you guys atleast manage to catch them this time?" Asked Ishan, anger visible in his tone.
"Yes, we did Ishan." said Rohit bhai.
"Thank God, so I can finally go home now."
"Can someone explain to me what is happening."
"Ishan here is a hacker." said Rishabh
"I am not a hacker, I'm a computer programmer."
"Same difference, did you or did you not hack the biggest underworld's mafia of India?" said Rishabh in a challenging tone.

"I just tried to help the Intelligence as they were having a hard time trying to catch the mafia king Arun Raichand. That was my only mistake, I shouldn't have tried to help the Intelligence.
I had managed to hack into their system and find their whereabouts and send them to the Indian Intelligence. But the Intelligence couldn't catch him, they managed to escape and ever since then I have been on the run."
I saw him take a pause, he looked like he really regret having tried to help the Intelligence as he suffered the consequences of their failure. He looked at me and I nodded looking at him trying to convey that it was okay and urge him to continue.

"I had been doing a pretty good job running and hiding my trails, but then a couple days ago I got a message stating that my parents had been captured by them and if I wanted to save them I had to come to some warehouse, I thought that they were bluffing since no one knew who I was, they just knew my 'hacker' name that is Mr 15, but I called my parents just to be sure.
My parents didn't pick up the whole day and thus I went to the warehouse the next day, that is three days ago and they caught me. Turns out they were bluffing.
My parents weren't with them, it was a trap."

Ishan's pov

I hadn't realised I had started crying until Shubman pulled me in his embrace. He had started comforting me while rubbing my back and drawing random patterns on it, while the others just stared at us. After I calmed down I asked the question that lingered in my mind for sometime now.

"How did you get to know who I was anyways?"
"Uhhh we asked them the reason they had taken you hostage and Raichand told us that they had captured you because you were Mr 15." said 'Rohit bhai'.
I gave him a 'are you serious look'.
They really had made it seem like they had used their so called brains to find out I was Mr 15. Which wasn't possible, since no matter how smart anyone was, tracking me was impossible for anyone other than, well me.

"Don't give us that look, like you think we're dumb or something. We are not dumb. We figured out the location of their warehouse and captured them and rescued you. The F2 team had been stupid enough to let them escape, but not us. We're the ICT." said Rishabh.

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