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I slam the door, say I'm done
Hit ignore, got you blocked
Cage my heart, shut it out
Throw the keys, sure it's locked

Yet the second you walk in
My brain goes numb
You're just a feet away
I've never felt so dumb

I'm so strong in my head
I'm so tough alone
Yet when you're so close to me
I can't stand on my own

A single glance at me
Sends shivers down my spine
A small smile as I pass
Girl, walk in a straight line

But I know you don't really care
Cuz you still treat me like rubbish
You still act I like you didn't say those words
That turned me foolish

Yet I still have every single memory
Embedded in the empty holes of my chest
I still need to hear your voice
Or I wouldn't find rest

I still need the words that broke me
To make me feel whole
I still need the feeling I endured when you
ran your fingers
through the knots of my soul

You're the angel and the devil
the medicine and the pain
The light and the darkness
The sun and the rain

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