◕An item that is always close by

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This thing in my hands
This thing I depend on
This gadget I love
This fidget I rely on

It's always somewhere near me
It doesn't feel good if it's not
I've grown to depend on it
In fact, I rely on it a lot

It's useful, if used right
It's entertaining and light
It's very well done and truly thought through
But sometimes I fear what it can do

Use it too much, and you'll be addicted
Don't use it at all then you'll be restricted
Moderation is key but that's hard to do
When all there ever is is so much to do

There's a lot going on
With the world in your pocket
There's a lot one can do
With such access with ease

So unless you're a genius,
Or maybe you're mom
The world's in your hands; what could go wrong?

Spring Yesterday, Winter tomorrow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora