☆・。゚A surprise you experienced

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We were everywhere
The blue skies knew about us
The sunset and the night sky too
Even the moon knew we were timeless

Whenever things go badly
And I have no idea what to do
I cheer myself up with the fact
That at least I belong to you

All my artwork is about you
Writing poetry I never think about what to use
I always sing songs with you on my mind
Never ever have I searched for a muse

That's why it was like a dream
No, I'd say a really bad nightmare
When I found out you cheated
And I accepted life truly wasn't fair

I still feel like a rotting corpse
As I tread on the earth
Fighting to survive, trying to understand
And incessantly questioning my worth

“It's been going on for weeks”
Every time it hits me like a ton of bricks
You made me say the words, “I'd never love again”
And I even swore it on the river Styx

Spring Yesterday, Winter tomorrow حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن