Chapter 1: Uncertainty

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"Hey, Cleone!" a loud alto voice approach me near the bench where I sat. I turn my head slowly and try not to break it and he approached slowly with ease.

I didn't respond nor talk. I didn't wave and my body language say so. I can see from afar his smiles fading away little by little.

"Cleone! Long time no see" he says cheerfully.

Even though I know his a fake one when showing emotion. I still not give him any response. I may feel guilty but I know it's enough to not know him anymore.


His voice become softer as he slowly approaches me.

"I miss you" he says while standing in front of me.

Still sitting down I look at him from his legs up to his face. He was still wearing a plain red t-shirt with faded blue jeans. His hair still short and wavy. He looks exactly the same like when we used to hang out together.

"It's been 9 years right? You never call me" a smirk face drawn to his face.

[YEAR 2010]
Studying in your dream school is rewarding but a school where being trans is disregarded and it so detrimental. That's why I don't like socializing nor go out with anyone. All I did in school was just the same as those smart student did.

They are always the ones who have a lot of friends. They are always the ones who have the best grades. They are the ones who get along with everyone. They are the ones who have the best memories from high school. But me, I don't have all those things since I'm different.

While I was skimming through my General Biology book, a guy wearing a cool bonnet approach me.

"Hi Cleone"

Hearing his annoying voice get's on my nerve it's like I was listening to some siren.

"Hi" I replied with a soft voice

"My name is Jason" He replied even though I know him already.

We're studying in the same school. Wearing both the same uniform since the school doesn't allow me to wear a female uniform which is sucks.

"Hi Cleone,"

"Hi" I replied.

"My name is Jason"

He repeat his name and I can't take his annoyance and my head was prowling with a severe pain.

"Cleone" he exclaimed.

He's trying to give me his impression by making cute faces.

"You look cute when you read"

I really feel uncomfortable the second this guy approaches me. It makes me sick and suffocating.

"Thank you" I replied with a soft voice.

Even though I wanna leave immediately and hoping to not seeing his annoying face anymore. I still replied to him with a greatest smile I had.

"Do you want to go out sometimes?"

I was froze for a second upon hearing that phrase. I can't believe it when he asks me to go out with him! I must say he was an opportunist and a jerk who doesn't know the meaning of boundary.


I want to say no but I don't want to feel guilty. He must be thinking I'm standofish person who can't stand him.

"I will give you my phone number and you can call me"

My mind and body can't cope when I know his plan was to pursue me.

CleoneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant